UK Air Date: 8th March 2007
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-444
Morag discovers there’s more to Ash than meets the eye and is determined to find out what he is hiding? Rachel brings Baby Joe home and Kim fears she’s becoming too attached to the baby. Everyone batons down the hatches as Colleen prepares them all for the Christmas Pageant.
Extended Summary
Ash surprises Martha with a gift. Martha is overwhelmed when she finds the beautiful necklace. They share a kiss and it seems they are a match made in heaven. Although, Morag doesn’t seem to think so. Back at home, Alf and Morag are discussing Ash and Martha’s relationship. Alf admits he had his reservations about Ash initially but they are now gone. Morag begs to differ. At that moment, Martha and Ash return and Martha is showing off her new jewellery. Morag insists she has meet Ash before but can’t pin point where… there’s something just not sitting right and she’s determined to find out what! Morag gets to work and finally finds info on Ash that he was suspected of stealing goods in his first year in the force. Alf and Morag are instantly curious. Martha and Ash are stunned when Morag later confronts Ash about the stolen goods and questions if the necklace stolen? Ash is immediately defensive and storms out, leaving Martha absolutely fuming with Morag.
Later, Ash returns with the box and receipt for the jewelry, proving the allegations are not true. Morag is quietly embarrassed by her mistake but secretly she is still not convinced what she sees is what she gets with Ash. Martha later pops by the hospital to visit Jack and vents about her frustrations with Alf and Morag not wanting to trust Ash. She questions why they can’t see he’s not keeping secrets? But it seems Martha has spoken too soon, as back in the Police Station, Ash answers his mobile and tells the person on the other end that ‘nobody knows the truth’… clearly Martha’s impression is wrong and Ash is certainly hiding something…but what?
Rachel arrives home from the hospital and Kim is absolutely stunned to find she has brought Baby Joe with her. Kim’s thrown, given his earlier concerns that Rachel was becoming too attached to Baby Joe. Rachel assures Kim she’s in total control but felt it was unfair on Baby Joe to be sent into crisis care. She leads a persuasive argument and Kim finally agrees to let Baby Joe stay the night. Rachel is having a ball bathing and feeding little Joe. Despite his reservations, Kim joins in and helps Rachel. The phone rings and Rachel is called off to hospital, leaving Kim holding the baby, literally. Little Joe starts to cry and Kim tries his best to comfort the baby but to no avail. Rachel returns home and as soon as she takes the baby in her arms, he begins to settle. Kim is stunned the bond between these two is stronger than he thought.
Meanwhile down at the Diner, Colleen is rallying together her Christmas Pageant team, much to everyone’s protest – not that they have much say in the matter! Colleen announces to Beth she will need her help to alter the Santa costume for Alf. Beth takes a breather and gets chatting with Kim who has just arrived. Kim confides in her his concerns about Rachel becoming too attached to the baby. Back at home, Rachel is cradling Baby Joe in her arms and staring at him lovingly…it seems Kim’s concerns are well founded.