Episode 4320

Australian Air Date: 17th November 2006
UK Air Date: 16th March 2007
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Peter Sharp
Cat No: HAW5-450

Leah is shocked to discover that Peter is having an affair. Lucas and Ric challenge the girls to a game of strip poker. Cassie is forced to make a decision about her future and thinks about leaving the Bay with Macca.

Extended Summary

Smiling, Amanda and Peter straighten their clothes – both happy, but surprised they’ve let things move so quickly. After brief discussion, they decide to try and find out if a relationship will work with them – they’re both willing to give it a go. Meanwhile Drew is wondering if anyone’s heard from Peter – no one has – then Dan has to rush to work and needs Ryan to be dropped at Amanda’s. Drew offers – he’s over it and doesn’t mind going there. He turns up at her house with Ryan and as Amanda answers the door, Peter quickly hides. Amanda is short with Drew, panicking that he’ll see Peter and is quick to shut the door in Drew’s face and distract Ryan from seeing Peter escape through the kitchen – phew, that was close! Drew reports to Dan & Leah how rude Amanda was to him when Peter arrives home from ‘work’. Dan calls his bluff – he knows he wasn’t there – his buttons are done up all wonky – Peter plays along – there is a girl, but he’s not saying who. They stayed up half the night watching ‘Casablanca’…

At work, Leah serves Amanda and enquires about her slamming the door in Drew’s face that morning. She explains it wasn’t intentional – she was tired, up half the night watching ‘Casablanca’. The penny drops for Leah hearing this – Amanda is Peter’s mystery woman! That night she confronts Peter about it – knowing he has no option, he confirms this, but assures Leah that Amanda has changed and hopes Leah isn’t angry – but she is. How could he do this to Drew? He’ll be shattered if he finds out. Peter doesn’t want him to, but Leah holds firm – she won’t be a part of this scandal. Peter pleads for just a bit of time. Leah says he has to come clean today! He heads to Amanda’s and lets her know they have to come clean – she reminds him that all hell will break loose when they do

At the Diner, Belle, Ric, Lucas and Matilda are hanging out having a laugh when Cassie enters and clocks the cosy group. She feels quite the outsider these days. Matilda moves to her – they should hang out sometime – Cass agrees and feels better for the offer. Talking to Macca, she is worried about how hard he’s working – these extra long shifts are taking their toll and it worries her. Lucas and Belle break from a passionate kiss – Lucas is glad she and Mattie are mates now – it’s made things much easier, then Ric and Mattie arrive wanting to hit the beach. The four are heading for the door, when Cassie appears. They invite her along – but again – Cassie feels awkward. Things have really changed. As the gang prepare to hit the beach, it starts to pour down – bored, the boys suggest a game of strip poker. Mattie isn’t so sure, but Belle gives her a wink – follow my lead.

Playing the shark, Belle lets the boys win the first round. So, strip! Belle and Mattie take off their shoes – a few games later and the girls are down to their bikinis. Then Belle raises the stakes – next game if the boys lose, they have to strip right off to nothing. Confident they’ll win, the boys agree. Belle looks smug as she places a straight flush before the boys – allowing the girls to win. The boys are stunned as the girls chant for them to strip and just as they do, Alf walks in – what the flamin’ hell’s going on here? The girls crack up laughing. Alf can’t believe the boys were so stupid to fall or it! Cassie appears at the door – again slumping – realising she’s just not a part of this crew anymore. Meanwhile, Macca gets a call from a mate – a great job offer, he lets Cassie her know the good news. She’s pleased that it’s not a driving job and Macca will be working normal hours. When does he start? Macca hesitates – that’s the thing – the job’s in the city. He really wants to take it, but only if Cassie will go with him. Cassie is stunned – will she and Macca leave the Bay?