Episode 4324

Australian Air Date: 23rd November 2006
UK Air Date: 22nd March 2007
Writer: Fiona Bozic
Director: Catherine Millar
Cat No: HAW5-454

Kim and Rachel’s dreams of having a family finally come true. Jack is shocked to learn about Sam’s past. Can Jack persuade her to stay in the bay?

Extended Summary

Rachel is flustered as she races around the house trying to put together the last minute preparations for her hen’s night and the wedding tomorrow. Kim watches on with amusement. The phone rings and Kim reacts with surprise. He ends the call and reports back to Rachel that the adoption agency called and they are sending Leslie, the officer from DOCS, around in a few hours to talk to them about the adoption of Baby Joe. Rachel is now in a complete panic, and with no time to get ready, she fears it will all be a disaster. Kim keeps her calm and heads down to the Diner to get some food to give the lady when she arrives. Kim calls into the Surf Club and is served by Alf. He fills Alf in on the DOCS officer coming and how great this will be considering the horror year they’ve had. Alf rattles off the traumatic events such as Barry being put away for murder and Kim being accused of sexual assault. All the while, the suited man sitting next to him raises his eyebrows…

Kim returns home and he and Rachel set about making the final preparations. There’s a knock at the door as they steel themselves for the interview. Kim moves to open it but his face falls when he realises Leslie happens to be the man sitting next to him at the Surf Club. Things are immediately awkward and Leslie wastes no time in raising the issues he heard Kim talking about. Kim insists that just because he is young, he shouldn’t be written off as a partying teenager. But as this is said, Alf bounds through the door carrying a case of beer for the buck’s night and yells out how much of a big night they are in for. Kim and Rachel slump – that just went down like a tonne of bricks! Rachel apologises for the misunderstandings but clearly Leslie is not impressed. Kim makes a heartfelt plea that they would make wonderful parents and would offer Baby Joe a loving life… but has Leslie been convinced by Kim’s heartfelt plea?

Later in the day, Kim and Rachel are disheartened and convinced they have no chance of becoming Joe’s parents. But both are surprised when there’s a knock at the door and it’s Leslie again. As they brace themselves for the bad news, they are stunned as Leslie congratulates them – he has approved them for the first phase of the adoption and they will become the new Mum and Dad of Baby Joe. He insists there’s all the paperwork to make it official but in the mean time he has granted temporary custody. Kim and Rachel are ecstatic – their dream to have a family is coming true!

Tony and Jack are waiting in hospital for Jack’s next appointment for physio. Sam passes but it’s clear she’s doing her best to avoid Jack. Jack questions if he’s done anything to upset her but she casually insists she’s busy and got patients to see. Due to a reschedule, Sam is forced to treat Jack. In doing so, he notices some nasty burn scars on Sam. She is immediately defensive when Jack questions her on them and ends their session. Jack is left increasingly perturbed by her behaviour.

Jack returns home and begins searching the net for clues on Sam’s husband but the info she told him does not match that of what he has found on the Net. Jack insists there’s something going on and heads back to the hospital in a taxi to find out what. Nurse Gloria is surprised to see Jack out on his own and breaks the news Sam has just resigned and is leaving town. Furthermore, she adds that Sam left only a few minutes ago. Jack goes outside and looks around frantically, until he spots Sam shuffling Rory into her car. He approaches and pleads with Sam not to go but she is adamant she has to get out of there. Jack insists he can protect her and that she can’t run forever but Sam jumps in the car and drives off leaving poor Jack more confused than ever.

Jack returns home to find a teary Sam waiting for him on the porch. She crumbles, insisting he was right – she can’t keep running away. Jack is curious as to what she is running from. Sam finally gives in and admits her name is in fact, Kylie Deeks. Jack is stunned as Sam finally prepares to tell him the truth.