Episode 4325

Australian Air Date: 24th November 2006
UK Air Date: 23rd March 2007
Writer: Christopher Gist
Director: Catherine Millar
Cat No: HAW5-455

Jack makes a promise to protect Sam while their relationship begins to blossom. Kim’s bucks night has a very surprising outcome. Rachel and Kim’s wedding day finally arrives, but will it be smooth-sailing? Will Kim get to his wedding in time?

Extended Summary

Jack comforts Sam as she opens up about the double life she has been leading. Sam explains she discovered her husband was part of a drug ring and was sent to jail. He has “friends” and is he’s after her. Sam explains she swaps identities to remain anonymous. Jack is struggling to get his head around Sam’s revelations but insists she can’t keep hiding, especially not for Rory’s sake. Sam is adamant Jack must not tell anyone. Jack promises to keep it a secret and to protect her. They share a smile and as their eyes lock they move in for a lingering kiss…

Meanwhile, Rachel’s hen’s and Kim’s buck’s nights are in full swing. Kim is surrounded by the guys as he shows off the wedding bands and informs them of the huge sentimental significance they hold. Kim hands over the rings to Brad who tucks them safely in his jacket pocket. Kim is beaming with happiness… not only is he marrying Rachel but tomorrow Baby Joe arrives too! As the music pumps, the boys roar in to cheers as Bambi the stripper enters the room! Kim is embarrassed but the guys are loving every minute of the entertainment! Back at the girls’ quarters, things are much more orderly and sedate. The girls are curious what the boys must be up to and decide what a good idea it would be to gatecrash the boys’ party!

The guys are cooling down after their excitement with the stripper. As they get some drinks, Brad’s heart sinks as he reaches in to his jacket pocket and discovers the box with the rings in it is gone! Uh-oh! Brad breaks the news to Kim and suddenly the mood turns serious as the lads get down on their hands and knees and start searching. The boys are becoming increasingly desperate but even more so when suddenly the girls file in. They do their best to cover but Kim shots Brad a desperate look – what are they going to do now??

The combined hen’s and buck’s party is kicking on but Kim is panicking big time – he knows Rachel will be devastated is she finds out the rings are gone. A thought suddenly strikes Brad – ‘what if the stripper stole them?’ Kim is shocked but resigned to the idea that there is no getting them back now! Time for Plan A…

…It’s early the next morning – Rachel and Kim’s wedding day! Kim flicks through the phone book, desperately trying to find the number for the jeweler (who is situated hours away). Rachel emerges and clocks his weirdness but Kim covers and says he’s got some secret wedding business to attend to. The morning ticks by, and Rachel becomes concerned where Kim has got to. But she quickly brightens when Baby Joe arrives – she couldn’t be happier she now has a happy family of her own. The girls arrive and goo-goo over the baby before whisking Rachel off to Sally’s house to get ready for the wedding. Brad assures her Kim will be back soon but when the girls are out of sight, he quickly takes his mobile out and phones Kim.

Kim is racing along in the car on his way back from the jewelers. He is relieved to report to Brad his mission is accomplished – he has the rings and he’s on his way home. Suddenly, the battery on Kim’s mobile dies but Kim is not phased – he’s just determined to get home in time for the wedding…. But as Kim hits the accelerator, his car starts to splutter. Kim begins to panic as the engines come to a complete stand still. Now stranded in the middle of nowhere, with smoke hissing from the bonnet and not a single a soul in sight – things are not looking good at all. How is going to Kim make it to the wedding now??