UK Air Date: 27th March 2007
Writer: Fiona Kelly
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-457
Drew has a heartfelt realisation that he still has feelings for Belle. Peter begins to doubt Amanda’s fidelity. Lee’s surprise return to the Bay brings a major setback for Rachel’s dream of a family.
Extended Summary
Rachel & Kim have invited Lee inside – her eyes are fixed on baby Joe – who Rachel continues to hold. The couple are still unsure why she’s here as she tells them she called DOCS to find out what happened to her baby. She likes that they’ve called him Joe and can’t believe how much he’s grown. Lee then asks to hold him, to which Rachel is apprehensive and instead asks her where she’s been? Everyone’s been worried sick. Lee admits that Dane dumped her at a medical centre when she collapsed a few days later and that was the last time she saw him. She started seeing a counselor who introduced her to a couple, the Kennedy’s, who have let Lee move in and made her feel like one of the family.
Rachel is pleased to hear it, but concerned when Lee says she’s still sick. She had tests and tried drugs, but then realized she’s just missing her baby. She thanks Kim & Rachel for the great job they’ve done so far – but she’s decided that she wants baby Joe back. Rachel & Kim are stunned – Lee pushes on, she knows she has a lot to learn, but she has people to help her out now. Rachel counteracts Lee’s view with the reality of babies – they’re expensive, government assistance will only cover basic essentials etc. Lee expresses her guilt over leaving him in the first place – but she was scared and alone, to which Rachel reminds her that she had warned Lee to take her time making a decision. What will she do when things get hard again? She can’t just change her mind when she feels like it – this is a baby! Lee knows this – and it’s her baby. She’s sorry to hurt them and says Joe can stay with them tonight, to say goodbye, but when she leaves tomorrow, he’s going with her. Lee hurries out the door, leaving Rachel and Kim devastated.
That night, Rachel can’t sleep – Kim sits with her as she holds Joe – Rachel wants to call Morag in the morning, she wants to fight this. Kim isn’t so sure… Morag comes over the next morning and lets the couple know that fighting for baby Joe will be an uphill battle – they need everything they can get to prove that Lee is an unfit mother. Kim is uneasy at this – they don’t want to destroy her life – but Rachel urges Morag to do whatever it takes. Kim expresses that he knows how much they want this baby – but if it doesn’t go their way, it will be so difficult to deal with. Perhaps they should just let Lee have him back? Rachel rushes out – she can’t believe Kim isn’t supporting her on this…
The next day Lee is filling Lucas in on wanting her baby back – Lucas knows too well the heartache it will cause – but Lee is stopped in her tracks when Morag lets her know she’ll need a lawyer – Rachel and Kim are going to contest custody of Joe in court! Lee heads to Rachel’s place and pleads with her – she can’t afford to go to court – she’s so sorry for everything that’s happened, but just wants her baby back to make up for her mistake. Kim is standing nearby and hears Lee’s plea. He tries to reason with Rachel, they need to do the right thing. Joe is Lee’s baby, he needs to go to where he belongs – they’ll get through this, together. Sadly, Rachel packs Joe’s things with Kim as Lee bundles him up, thanking them and promising to call. When she goes, Rachel can’t hold it in any longer, and sobs in Kim’s arms of the baby she’s lost…
As Belle is making her way into the Surf Club, she notices Amanda talking to a good looking guy in the car park. She sees Amanda who is very friendly and touches his arm. Curious, but not surprised, Belle heads into the Club. Drew is lining up a shot on the pool table, with Lucas watching on, when Belle tromps in ranting about Amanda, causing Drew to foul his shot. She tells the guys what she saw – Amanda is taking Peter for a ride too. She knows her mother and knows that she’s up to something… Drew watches Belle walk out – his feelings for her are returning, but he doesn’t know what to do about it…
Meanwhile, Amanda arrives home with a DVD. She shoves a piece of paper in her diary just before Peter emerges. He mentions that Ryan asked if they’d be having Christmas with Dan and Leah this year – Amanda thinks it best they have Christmas lunch here, the three of them, then she and Peter can spend the rest of the day together, alone, while Ryan is with Leah and Dan. They share a kiss, then he moves off – she goes to her diary, the piece of paper reading ‘Michael Cambridge, 11am’. What is she up to now? Drew runs into Peter at the Diner. Peter tries to make small talk, Drew isn’t interested. Peter pushes, till Drew lets him know that Amanda is trouble and what Belle saw last night. He moves off, leaving a curious Peter. He heads to Amanda’s to see her with Ryan decorating the Christmas tree. Peter hugs Amanda, putting what Drew said out of his mind, but then Amanda remembers she has to rush off to an ‘appointment’. Peter becomes suss as she rushes out the door – has he got something to worry about?
Later on Peter is with Ryan outside the surf club, when he notices Amanda at a distance, talking excitedly to a man, then throwing her arms around him excitedly and kissing him on the cheek. Peter can’t believe it. That afternoon he confronts Amanda about it – he can’t believe she’d try and destroy him like this. Amanda is devastated that Peter would think such a thing – with tears in her eyes she hands him a small gift box – merry Christmas, then hurries out. Peter opens the box to find an autographed cricket ball. His heart sinks – he was completely wrong… He apologies to Amanda – he loves her and wants this to work. So does she. Maybe they have a chance after all…