UK Air Date: 28th March 2007
Writer: Felicity Packard
Director: Mark Piper, Sam Atwell
Cat No: HAW5-458
Drew puts everything on the line for love. Morag’s suspicions towards Ash grow. Johnny learns what Rocco is planning, and discovers he has been in contact with the police.
Extended Summary
Drew can’t help but cast glances over to Belle as she sits with Lucas at the Diner. As Belle gets up to pay, Drew follows her to the counter. He initiates light hearted talk about the key ring she still has – the one he won on the skill tester for her. Their moment is interrupted by Colleen bustling in from her holiday – she’s all geared up for this years Christmas pageant – she wrote the script while she was away. Colleen trusts that all the decorations and set got made while she was gone – but Alf and Irene swap looks – they haven’t done a thing…
Alf suggests they put it on next year, but Colleen won’t hear of it – we’re going ahead with it tomorrow night – this town needs a Christmas pageant now more than ever! She begins delegating tasks, casting etc – Alf is Santa, Irene the Archangel Gabriel – Lucas is Joseph, Belle is Mary. Lucas doesn’t want any part in it to which Drew quickly puts up his hand, keen to have as much time with Belle as possible. Lucas is relieved he’s got an out. Drew subtly probes Lucas for info about his relationship with Belle – is it serious? Lucas says he doesn’t think it is yet, which Belle overhears and is upset to hear Lucas’ point of view – she thought things were serious. Belle gives Lucas a hurt look as she heads off with Colleen. Belle later bemoans to Drew her position with Lucas – he asks her if she’s serious about him, of course! But now she’s thinking they shouldn’t be together. Drew takes this all in – maybe he’s in with a chance?! Lucas finds Belle and tries to apologise – he just didn’t want Belle to feel pressured into anything. They share a smile – things are okay again – they share a kiss. Not realizing Lucas and Belle have reconciled – Drew finds Belle and opens up telling her it was a mistake breaking up with her – she’s the best thing that’s happened to him and wants to give them another go. Belle is thrown and tells him she and Lucas are still together and she doesn’t feel that way about Drew anymore. Crushed and embarrassed, Drew hopes he hasn’t ruined their friendship – Belle assures him he hasn’t as she moves off leaving a gutted Drew. Belle lets Colleen know that she can’t play Mary, feeling uncomfortable about playing opposite Drew, but talks her back into it – Drew asks her why she wants out and Belle explains they’re in nearly every scene together and they have to kiss, it might be awkward. Has Belle realized she still has feelings for Drew?
Meanwhile at Summer Bay House, Morag is unimpressed to hear that Martha is catching up with Ash that afternoon. Martha asks her to cut Ash some slack – he’s a good guy and wants her aunty to see that. Rocco is taking Morag’s dislike to Ash with interest as he heads out and runs into his brother Johnny, who wants to talk about the armed robbery they’re doing tonight. Rocco promises to be there – against his better judgment. Rocco heads to the Station and tells Ash what’s lined up – Rocco is freaking out, if Johnny finds out he’s telling the cops about all this, he’ll kill him for sure. Ash insists that they won’t let that happen and wants Rocco to find out details about tonight – times, access routes, how many men etc – especially what time it’s planned for.
At Johnny’s, the boys gather around a map of the CBD – Rocco tries to take careful note of the details to tell Ash. He asks a few questions and Johnny starts to get a little suss, especially when he asks Johnny what time they’ll be doing the job. He fobs him off, with no answer and tells Rocco to flog some more cash from Sally’s account – he has no choice but to do it… Rocco heads to Ash, giving him more details – but not the time – and that he has to raid Sal’s account again. Ash tells him to do it – play the game right out, it’ll all be over soon.
Rocco heads back to the house – no ones home, so he logs into the internet banking and transfers $500. As he’s finishing up, Morag returns – he quickly finishes up so Morag can’t see what he’s done… At the Diner, Martha suggests she and Ash drive north to a great beach, stay at a cosy pub, nice wine – but Ash can’t – he’s heading to the country to visit his parents – Martha’s disappointed, but understands. She heads off. Ash’s smile fades – what is he hiding? Morag is curious to hear Ash is going away again – Martha insists he isn’t hiding anything, but Morag still isn’t convinced. Vital prosecution evidence disappeared convieniently while he was in charge of it…
They are about to fight about it – so both politely back down. The exchange has left Rocco rattled – can he really trust Ash? He heads out for a walk and in the distance sees Ash talking to Johnny! Are they in alliance?! Rocco speaks to Ash later and asks if he’s in with Johnny and that he’s freaking out about ratting on his brother. Ash assures him that isn’t the case and he’s determined to put Johnny away. Rocco will be free to go for his assistance, once they’ve busted the gang. Rocco reminds Ash that if this doesn’t work, Johnny will have Rocco killed. Unbeknownst to both, Johnny is nearby, listening in and has heard the whole story. Rocco is in deep now…