Episode 4329

Australian Air Date: 30th November 2006
UK Air Date: 29th March 2007
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-459

Sally is devastated to learn the truth about Rocco. Johnny gives Rocco a shocking ultimatum.

Extended Summary

Rocco heads off to meet Johnny, knowing he has to discover the exact time of the job tonight, so he can tell Ash. Johnny doesn’t let on that he’s heard Rocco and Ash’s conversation earlier – now knowing his own brother has told the cops what he’s up to. Rocco asks what time the jobs on for – but Johnny isn’t going to give anything away – he lies and says it’s on for eight and that he better not shoot his mouth off to anyone. At a distance, Cassie sees the brothers talking and is curious as she heads off. Meanwhile, Sally has been helping Brad get things in order for his hearing with the Education Department. Both are aware of the URST, but not acknowledging it.

Cassie arrives home – she tells Sally she just saw Rocco and Johnny together, which concerns Sally – she didn’t think they were in any contact. Cassie says they looked pretty friendly – before she heads off to continue packing her things. Rocco reports the job time to Ash – Rocco’s really freaking out now – Johnny’s going to know it was him who ratted and he’ll kill him. Ash reminds him as soon as they get Johnny, he’ll be behind bars and won’t be able to touch him. Rocco heads off as Ash debriefs the cops on tonight’s bust – a kids life depends on it. Rocco is barely keeping it together when he arrives home. Sally greets him with a smile as he tries to head straight upstairs to avoid conversation – but Sally is quick to mention that he was seen with Johnny today.

Rocco covers – all is fine – he was just repaying him some cash he owed. He hurries off, leaving a curious Sally. Not long after, Rocco tries to dart out again, Sally nags him about the gang, he can come to her if he needs – to which Rocco snaps and tells her to shut up, quickly apologises for going too far, then runs out. Sally is left reeling and when she turns back to her computer, she sees the caravan park account is empty. She begins to put all the pieces together – realizing Rocco’s been deceiving her – as her eyes land on his school bag and she begins to search. She finds a key for his locker, picks it up and moves off to the school…

At the Station – Ash calls Fitzgerald to see if there are any signs of movement yet – but it’s dead calm. No sign of the boys. Ash is nervously waiting for something to happen – Rocco’s life depends on it. Meanwhile at Johnny’s house – he tells the boys there’s been a change of plans. He’s decided they’re going to do a warehouse of electrics in Yabbie Creek instead – then he stares hard at Rocco, knowing he’s trying to set them up. Johnny pulls out the new maps – they’ll talk it through on the way there. He looks at Rocco with a smug stare – how is he going to get out of this one? The boys pull up at the warehouse that night – Johnny tells them all to stay put while he takes a quick look around – they don’t want any surprises. Rocco moves to go with him – but Johnny calls him a gutless rat – get back in the car! He’ll deal with him later…

Sally gets to Rocco’s locker and opens it – she sifts through the junk until she finds a bag – inside is a balaclava and bag of pills and some fake ID cards of the other gang members, including Johnny. Her heart sinks, sick with betrayal and hot with anger – he’s still part of the gang! Meanwhile, Fitzgerald radios to Ash, still nothing to report – he knows something is up – where the hell are they? Back in the car, Rocco tries to move out, another member holds him back, they have to wait, but Rocco escapes. Johnny catches him and lets him have it for ratting on his own brother – how could he? Rocco apologises, but Johnny doesn’t care – nothings going to stuff this up now. Full of trepidation, Sally knocks on the door of Johnny’s house – no answer. She moves inside but no one is to be seen.

As she’s about to leave she sees a sheet of paper Johnny dropped on his rush out. It’s a map of the warehouse and diagrams of the robbery. She calls Ash with her news and his face falls. Back at the car, the boys continue to watch out as the security guards swap shifts, then Johnny tells them to move – now! As the others grab what they can, Johnny makes Rocco follow him out back to get the cash, but as they do, the police sirens sound and cars screech to a halt in front of them. Johnny bolts as Rocco throws his hands in the air. Cops are everywhere as Ash tears off after Johnny – he shoulder charges him to the ground, then gets away and makes a dash for a fence and slips from up high, thudding to the ground in pain. Ash pins and cuffs him – it’s all over.

At the Station – Ash confirms with Sally that Rocco was helping them catch Johnny, but this doesn’t change the fact that he deceived her. He explains all that has transpired since Johnny arrived – he never meant to hurt any of them. Sally believes him. Meanwhile, Ash lets Johnny no that he’s in over his head now – they’ve got evidence to pin him for the break-in at Amanda’s, vandalizing Brad’s apartment – the whole deal – Johnny’s put the whole town through hell, now he’s going to pay. Johnny won’t sign the statement until he’s seen Rocco and demands time with him – Ash reluctantly lets Rocco in and his brother tells him that he wants Sally Fletcher removed from the equation if he wants to save himself – he has ways of getting him, even if he is in jail, leaving Rocco reeling.