Episode 4736

Australian Air Date: 13th October 2008
UK Air Date: 1st December 2008
Cat No: HAW5-866

Ruby’s revenge goes too far. Alf and Bridget get closer. Has Charlie ruined her relationship?

Extended Summary

Ross has announced that he is moving away with Morag, Charlie is feeling particularly fragile. So when she hears about Roman comforting a sick Martha, and then gets a diatribe from Colleen about how patient Roman has been, she begins to doubt the strength of their relationship.

When next she sees him, she launches into a barrage about how she knows what a high maintenance girlfriend she’s been, and that he probably doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore. It’s all very aggressive until Roman hands her the gift Martha helped him pick out. She apologises, and he accepts, but with reservation. Has she just done some lasting damage?

Bridget is full of new ideas to promote the bait shop, but Alf isn’t sure how involved he should let her get. He’s also not sure they need to do so much, it’s just a small little bait shop. But after a chat to Ross Alf realises you can’t worry about the future, you just have to live for the present, and he decides to give Bridget’s ideas a try.

Ruby’s plans to get revenge on Mathew are on the boil, and she’s roped Jai in, much to Annie’s concern. Continuing her flirting, Ruby invites Mathew to a secluded part of the beach. Once there, she suggests they go skinny dipping. As soon as he is naked and running towards the water, she grabs his clothes and bolts.

Mortified, Mathew races after her, while Jai hides in the bushes filming everything. But then, mid laughter, a note falls from Mathews’ pants, that Ruby’s taken. It’s to her, written by Mathew, and within he describes how much he likes her, and how important to her she is.

Suddenly she doesn’t feel so good, but when she goes to give his clothes back, he’s gone. Worse, by the time she catches up with Jai, he’s already uploaded the footage to the internet. Mathew is a laughing stock, utterly humiliated, and he swears revenge on Ruby.