UK Air Date: 8th December 2008
Cat No: HAW5-871
Belle’s investigation is back on track. Miles learns the truth about Kirsty. Can Miles and Kirsty ever recover?
Extended Summary
Belle takes her findings on Annie’s soil samples to Rachel, who realises that Joe’s house backed onto the contaminated area as well. Just one more name to add to the list of cancer victims. Nevertheless, she puts it down to coincidence, and unfortunately she can’t give Belle access to medical records without a police request. Angelo agrees to request them, but when he puts it to Fitzgerald, she’s not impressed, and it’s likely to take a while.
Meanwhile, after Leah and Rachel talk and Leah adds a few more names to the possible cancer list, including her ex husband Vinnie, Rachel decides to do some research on cancer patients in the area, and the results are alarming. Unfortunately she still can’t give Belle the medical records, but she does give her a list of names and addresses (patients) in the area. If Belle can get their individual consent to use their medical records, they’ll be in business.
After delaying the inevitable for as long as possible, Kirsty is finally forced to tell Miles the real reason she’s been working so hard. Though she tells him about Kane and the appeal, she doesn’t mention the escort work. Even so, he’s dumbfounded by her revelation, hurt and angry that she could keep the truth about Kane from him for so long, and that she’d go behind his back the way she has.
The next day at school Miles confronts Bartlett about him keeping Kirsty’s secret from him as well. Assuming Kirsty told Miles everything, Bartlett lets slip about the escort work, and Miles completely snaps, slamming Bartlett up against the lockers in front of a hallway full of students.