UK Air Date: 16th November 2015
Cat No: HAAW08-059
Phoebe and Kyle struggle to manage their pregnancy expectations. Has John lost Marilyn forever? Nate’s return to work brings him an unwelcome surprise.
Extended Summary
Kyle and Phoebe are desperately trying to cling to the slim chance that all is well with Phoebe’s pregnancy. They head to the hospital to receive the latest news with Ash, who wants to try and keep everyone’s expectations realistic – even if the child is born, there are likely to be complications.
Hannah delivers the trio some encouraging news, leaving Phoebe and Kyle surprised and ecstatic, but Ash is worried that Phoebe may be getting her hopes up too soon. Phoebe assures him she isn’t, and asks him to help her enjoy today’s results.
Kyle presses Hannah for more details on the baby’s chances. © Channel 5
Ash agrees and takes Phoebe out for a picnic lunch on the beach, and meanwhile Kyle asks Hannah for more details on the pregnancy’s success. She’s careful to try and keep things in perspective, but tells him that there is definitely some hope. However, she’s worried that Kyle has misread this information and got his hopes up too much – she reminds him that there is a long journey ahead, and everything must go right.
On the beach, Ash suggests that he and Phoebe find their own place. Phoebe agrees but doesn’t seem overly optimistic, and her flat response raises Ash’s concern. Her cramps start to escalate, and she admits that something’s wrong. Ash quickly gets her to the hospital, closely followed by Kyle, but when he arrives, Hannah is forced to reveal the devastating truth – Phoebe has lost the baby.
Roo and Leah are keen to help Marilyn get her memory back. They propose appealing to her senses by bring her some of her favourite foods and fragrances and recreate her stay-at-home honeymoon, hoping it may trigger something.
John thinks it’s a great idea, but thinks it’s probably best he stays out of it as it may not help things if he’s involved. At the hospital, Marilyn asks Nate if he can get her in touch with ex-husband Don Fisher so she can talk to him, which she thinks could help.
Marilyn wants Nate to be honest about what she’s really facing. He tells her the truth – the next two weeks are key, and if she still doesn’t remember anything by then, it’s possible she will have lost the last 20 years of her life forever. As Nate tries to track Fisher down through Roo and Leah, and John overhears him learn that Marilyn’s love for Donald was strong, and it’s a knife through his heart. He’s starting to lose hope that he’ll get his wife back.
Roo and Leah visit Marilyn and show her all the reminders they’ve collected from the past few years, but she can’t remember anything. Knowing the clock is ticking, she breaks down, terrified she’s going to lose such a big part of herself. When John hears about how badly it went, he decides to pay her a visit, unable to let her go through this alone. However, his visit is interrupted when Irene arrives, and Marilyn’s heart soars, leaving John feeling even more on the outside. Irene promises that they’ll help her fight and get back to where she needs to be, which finally gives Marilyn the assurance that she needs. But can Irene really make this happen?
Nate is nervous about returning to work after his four week suspension. Kat encourages him to believe in himself and move forward, and he’s grateful for her advice, and that they’re giving their relationship another shot.
However, his ego is bruised further when he discovers that James will be supervising him for his first couple of weeks, but he has no choice but to swallow his frustration. He tells Kat that he feels like a med student again, but she tells him that at least he got through it, and that he needs to see the positive side. Nate is happy that the two of them are happy to have each other, and that she’s being so supportive of him.