UK Air Date: 3rd July 2017
Writer: Andrew Osborne
Director: Ian Watson
Cat No: HAAW09-204
An angry Justin gives Kat information about Brody’s dealer. VJ struggles to come to terms with Luc’s custody arrangements. Kat struggles to balance work and family.
Extended Summary
Tori finds Justin standing near the beach. She tries to give him an update on Brody and also tell him to visit Brody himself but Justin doesn’t seem interested and in the end she walks away. Ash comes over and asks Justin when he’s coming back to work before pressing for information on what’s bothering him. They head up to Salt, Justin having obviously filled Ash in on everything that’s happened. Ash isn’t entirely on board with Justin turning his back on his brother but Justin says he has the kids to think about. Ash also tries to get him to talk to Brody.
VJ is looking for something at the caravan park house and stumbles across the letter from Irene, which Leah hasn’t opened. He tries to ask Leah about selling the Diner, suggesting that with Irene out of town the heat is off somewhat, but Leah is still adamant about going through with it. VJ decides to go and get them some afternoon tea. Alf comes in, still coughing, but brushes aside Leah’s concern, saying he’ll be okay when Roo gets back from the chemist. Roo meanwhile is still collapsed next to her car. She gets her phone out of her bag but isn’t able to dial a number.
VJ finds Kat with Luc at the Diner. He is pleased to see Luc but is thrown somewhat when Kat refers to him as “Daddy”. Ash arrives and VJ leaves; Ash thinks it’s because he’s still angry with them. Ash tells Kat he wants to go shopping for things for Luc but Kat wants to go to the gym. Ash agrees to go later and tells her Justin clued him in about Brody. Meanwhile, Justin sees Lena with a group of uni students near the beach. He angrily confronts her, telling her she ruined Brody’s life, and grabs her arm. Kat steps in and takes Justin into the surf club. He tells her Lena got Brody hooked on drugs and was sacked from Salt for dealing. Kat tells him he can’t assault her. McCarthy comes in and when Justin gets more and more frustrated, McCarthy decides to take him down the station.
Roo drops the phone, which ends up underneath the pedals. The phone then starts ringing but she is unable to retrieve it. Alf leaves a message wondering where she’s got to and again ignores Leah’s advice to go and see a doctor. Leah notices VJ is letting her eat all the muffins. VJ tells her about how Ash and Kat still refers to him as Luc’s dad even though it’s them she lives with and how it doesn’t feel right. Leah tells him it’s only a temporary residency and everything will be back to normal soon.
Justin is with Kat and McCarthy at the police station. He has calmed down somewhat and agrees to leave Lena to them. After he’s gone, Kat and McCarthy decide to bring Lena in. McCarthy also tells Kat to brief Stevenson and checks she’s free to handle the case now. Kat says she’ll go get changed into uniform, ignoring a text from Ash. Ash is with Luc at the Diner. He briefly chats with Tori, who asks about a poster advertising a fun run: Ash says Nate is putting them up and it’s a fundraiser for the burns unit. Tori asks Nate if he’s seen Justin, since he left his car blocking hers in. They discuss Brody, who is spending most of his time at Scarlett’s sleeping but has the worst still to come. Nate offers Tori a lift to work on his bike.
Nate and Tori speed along the road near to where Roo is parked. Roo tries to use the car horn to attract the attention of a passing car but it keeps driving. She tries again with the bike and Tori directs Nate to stop. Roo passes out. Meanwhile, Alf makes a phone call to the chemist and tells Leah that Roo left there two hours ago. Nate and Tori find Roo barely conscious. From the location of the pain, Tori wonders if it’s appendicitis but then Roo mumbles about “the baby” and they wonder if it’s an ectopic. Nate answers a phone call from Alf to Roo’s phone and Alf confirms Roo is nine weeks pregnant. Nate and Tori realise it might have ruptured and decide they can’t wait for an ambulance: They’ll take Roo in in her car.
Ash is playing with Luc on the beach, holding her upright so she paddles in the sea. VJ sees them and tries to walk away but Ash calls him over. Ash comments on how Luc’s an Ashford and, like Kat earlier, refers to VJ as her dad. VJ asks him to stop doing that, since Luc lives with them now. He says that he didn’t like Ash going for custody but now thinks he did the right thing.
At the police station, Kat questions Lena but she denies everything and refuses to give a statement. She tells Kat to either let her go or get her a lawyer.
Ash and Luc run into Justin outside the surf club. Ash asks him if he saw Brody and is surprised when Justin mentions Kat taking him down the station. Justin says his family have lost so much, their parents and the years in hiding, and he’s not sure if he can just watch Brody start it all up again. Meanwhile, Kat sees Lena out of the police station. McCarthy isn’t surprised by her stance but Kat thinks for all her stonewalling she’s scared and it might be worth putting someone on her. Ash comes in, surprised Kat is there instead of the gym, and reminds her they were meant to go shopping. Kat says she’s needed there, even though McCarthy tells her she can go.
Nate and Tori bring Roo into the hospital and tell the staff it’s a suspected ruptured ectopic. Alf and Leah arrive and Nate explains the situation to them while Tori’s team work on her. Roo comes round and asks about the baby; Tori simply tells her she needs an operation. As they are taking her to theatre, she crashes and Tori gets Nate to help out bagging her.
They carry on, taking her into the lift as she goes into VF. Nate stays behind as Alf starts coughing, increasingly breathless. Nate tells a nurse to take him for an examination: He thinks he’s having a heart attack…
Guest Cast