And the winner is...









Shane Parrish and Angel Brooks (1995)

Shane and Angel were the golden couple of their generation. When they first met they hated each other but it soon became obvious to viewers that they had a real chemistry. Their dislike soon turned to love and they became a couple. As the most popular couple at the time, the writers threw everything at them in terms of storylines.

Not long after getting together they split up briefly when Angel was revealed to have a secret son who she had given up but they reunited after Shane helped her to find him.As a couple they weathered their ups and downs and always came back together as two people who genuinely loved each other.

I'm sure every Home and Away fan will remember or will have seen, Shane and Angel's wedding. It was one of the most moving moments in Home and Away history. After being knocked down by Alf and confined to a wheelchair, Angel stood up and on Donald Fisher's arm, shakily walked down the aisle to marry Shane.

Unfortunately their relationship was cruely cut short when Shane was knocked off his bike and suffered a ruptured spleen before dying of blood poisoning on the anniversary of their wedding.

Despite it's tragic ending this pairing remains a fan favourite and to top a poll so many years later and with some tough competition from a number of popular couples suggests that Shane and Angel as a couple and their wedding as an episode are still incredibly popular.