Number 4

4. Kit Hunter - 172 points UP 4
Played by Amy Mizzi

Kit is quite unique as she seems to have gained popularity after the leaving the show. To bef fair she hasn't really left the show, she's just been taken off the opening credits and has returned approximately a thousands times since.

Kit & Tasha would have made a brilliant couple. Don't forget when Kit sang to Tasha to make her talk!
Tainted Muse

We all saw Kit as an alcoholic and a rebel, period. However, when Tasha came along, the way she and Kit interacted showed us a different side to Kit. I liked that.

I hope Kit returns full time, as the Hunters are a bit depleted now with Henry & Scott leaving, as there is now only Beth, Robbie and Matilda left, plus Graham, but according to the rumour mill he hasn't got long left, and perhaps Robbie also.

I believe she has great potential and I really love the rebellious, passionate characters like her who are prepared to take on the world. We all know that she has her character flaws but life around her is never dull or boring.

Features > Best Character 06 > Number #4