Headmaster Report (Paris)


burnett_paris.jpgParis Burnett.


Following Donald Fisher, Paris Burnett, the handsome and bright new Principal has breezed into Summer Bay High and caused quite a stir. Unlike Donald Fisher he seems happy to delegate and one the first things he has done as Principal is to look at the strengths and qualities of his staff, including the school secretary, and delegated tasks to them accordingly. His staff appreciate his confidence and work effectively as a team under his regime. He is able to consult students and to earn their respect in the process.

Points to improve
Mr Burnett came into the school after Don Fisher put his career on the line for the sake of the students and the school. Mr Burnett stood up to the P & C when they wanted the student's private lockers searched, and also tried to support Nick Smith when Ms Russell was causing difficulties. However, he was not as willing as we believe Mr Fisher would have been to put his career on the line when the P & C wanted Nick Smith excluded. We feel this showed that he still lacked some of the maturity which was the hall mark of the Don Fisher era. Being drop dead gorgeous is not a good enough cover for being a bit of a stuffed shirt.

Overall comments
Potentially a great School Principal Had he stayed and loosened a bit, learned form the master that was Don Fisher he would have been one the true greats.

Memorable moments
Being caught out by four students after an afternoon of passion with school secretary, Irene. The looks on both of their faces were priceless.

Grade B+