11. Ricky Sharpe (35 points) ►NEW
Played by Bonnie Sveen
This poll’s highest new entry, Ricky has managed to gain quite a few fans in about a year and a half on the show. It’s a bit hard to tell if she’s meant to be Brax’s equal, a calming influence, or yet another innocent being dragged along in his wake at times, but at least it’s guaranteed her being front and centre of the most dramatic storylines. |
12. Leah Poulos/Patterson-Baker (33 points) ▲16
Played by Ada Nicodemou
While others slip down, Leah has made a meteoric rise through the ranks, possibly because she’s finally got out of the Diner kitchen and interacted with some other characters. Her black widow reputation comes from having two husbands die on her and two other men be hospitalised just after they started dating her, although with fourteen years on the show that’s not that bad. |
13. Aden Jefferies (30 points) ▼9
Played by Todd Lasance
Appropriately, Aden is right next to Belle. They’ve both slipped out of the top ten but remain popular. The show’s ultimate jerk with a heart of gold is best remembered for an abuse back story that was forgotten about for the whole of 2009, and his turbulent romance with Belle which led to the show’s shortest ever marriage. |
14. Belle Taylor (29 points) ▼4
Played by Jessica Tovey
Something of a late arrival to the mid-2000s teen group, Belle got left hanging around Summer Bay when all her friends had left, acting as a big sister figure to the next age group down and marrying her former arch-enemy. After taking part in an interminable cancer cluster storyline, Belle died of cancer. Was there a connection? Anyone’s guess. |
15. Matilda Hunter (26 points) ►NC◄
Played by Indiana Evans
The third and final of the Hunter children to feature in this poll, Matilda was a regular fixture in the top ten for some time and still has her fans. A surprisingly long stint of four and a half years saw her start out as a bit of a bully, before working her way through self-esteem issues and becoming a surprisingly mature young person, before settling in Perth with long term boyfriend Ric. |
16. Dexter Walker (24 points) ▼14
Played by Tom Green & Charles Cottier
A dip for last year’s number two but he maintains more of a following than the rest of his family and his principle love interest. There’s a thin line between quirky and annoying which Dexter teetered on a lot of the time, but at least he proved that you can play with Star Wars toys and still end up with a hot wife. |
17. Gypsy Nash (23 points) ▲21
Played by Kimberley Cooper
Given that Gypsy’s gone down in history as a fiery red-head, you kind of give a double take on watching her early episodes and learning she started out blonde. Gypsy developed into a caring youth worker before leaving with true love Will. Then, after years of him coming back alone announcing Gypsy had a cold and couldn’t come, they split up off screen right before she actually did come back. |
17= Heath Braxton (23 points) ▲15
Played by Dan Ewing
The second oldest Braxton brother went from being a bully to being one of the show’s most lovable figures: Given that his first episode involved him hitting Miles over the head with a bottle, no-one could have guessed his last episode would involve him driving off with his wife and children. Well, actually his last episode involved him encouraging Brax to kill someone but let’s try and forget about that, hey? |
17= Vinnie Patterson (23 points) ▼4
Played by Ryan Kwanten
It’s nearly fifteen years since Ryan Kwanten last appeared on screen and ten since Vinnie turned up in a bear costume, yet he still figures highly. Having gone from lovable rogue to fairly respectable citizen, the vagaries of soap justice saw Vinnie go to jail despite being innocent, lose his wife and son, and spend his time since alternating between being either dead off screen or alive off screen. |
20. Charlie Buckton (20 points) ▼15
Played by Esther Anderson
The first of last time’s Top 10 to make an appearance, having fallen fifteen places. Charlie was notable for her questionable taste in men, so it’s no wonder she tried women for a bit. After her popular but controversial relationship with Angelo gave way to her popular but controversial relationship with Brax, she sailed close to the wind once too often and was a casualty of a gang war. |