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Everything posted by QUIET ACHIEVER

  1. Please post comments in this thread.
  2. Please post comments in this thread.
  3. Please post comments in this thread.
  4. Please feel free to leave your comments for this fiction in this thread.
  5. I have added the Index Form to your first post. All you need to do is press the three dots on the right hand side of your first post and find Edit. Your window will then open and you are able to make changes to your Index Form.
  6. There isn't a Lance Smart character/actor discussion thread but please feel free to start one.
  7. This first chapter is definitely too short - it's just one hundred words but there's no clearly defined beginning, middle or end to this chapter. There's only two paragraphs too when clearly there should be more than three to justify a beginning, a middle and an end. The conversations need to be spaced out and not all written together - a new line for each character that is speaking would be a good start. What I'd like to see out of this fiction would be longer chapters and some kind of plot. If you are looking for inspiration or how to write a chapter then there are plenty of great writers on this forum - both past and present - where you can get some inspiration from. "The best form of writing fan fictions are to read fan fictions!" - QA There's also a Writers Etiquette thread with tutorials and tips on writing.
  8. When starting a new fiction, one's first chapter needs to be merged with the first post (ie the Index Form) otherwise it is classified as a Promotion Fic and will earn a warning - according to Rule 3 in the Official Fan Fiction Section Rules and Guidelines see here.
  9. Please be careful when posting comments in this thread about Kyle Braxton - especially since this character has left on Australian television screens. Spoiler tags need to be used if any new information comes to hand... but it would be preferable to post those comments in the appropriate Spoiler thread(s). Thanks.
  10. This thread is open again for business.... If anyone needs any help with their fiction whether it be ideas etc then please feel free to post in here.
  11. Librarian Edit: For those members who are reading this fiction, Prologue Part 1 has now been added to the first post.
  12. Librarian Note: Please do not post about characters and/or storylines that have not been seen on Australian screens. Any spoilers should be posted in the Spoiler thread or be posted with spoiler tags.
  13. Amazing icons Jen. Lovely use of croppings and colourings.
  14. Librarian Note: This fiction has been moved to the Vault because it has been exactly five (5) months since the author has last posted a chapter for this fiction. Five months is sufficient time for all authors to post the next chapter in one's fiction. If an author is having troubles with this concept then maybe one has published too many fictions on this forum in order to keep up with the continuing demands of updating one's fictions? Might it be an idea to make note of all the fictions one has published and add to them within the five months time frame of when one has last posted their last chapter... and refrain from publishing new fictions until one has completed the majority of ongoing fictions already published.
  15. Please note that if an event or an upcoming storyline that hasn't been seen on Australian television screens, then it is classified as a spoiler. One must either refrain from posting spoilers in this thread or make sure that spoiler tags are added to the spoilers within one's post. Please remember this in future.
  16. An interesting fiction but it would be much better if one would space their fiction out a bit more. Lumping a whole fiction together makes it very hard for one to concentrate on the storyline when one constantly looks at the way it is written. My advice would be to look at other people's fictions (the written ones not the ones that are written in script format) and see how they use space to their advantage. Alternatively, pick up any book/novel - either online or one that you can hold in your hand (a paperback or hard cover copy) and look at how it is set out. I hope that that will give you some inspiration when writing your next chapters.
  17. chels24, please make sure that you fill in the whole Index Form and don't leave anything out. I have edited your Index Form and added the BTTB Rating back into it. The Rating is necessary to be filled out, so please read the link and decide on a rating. If you have any questions or need help, please PM me as my role on the forum is to help members out therefore I am here to help.
  18. Amazingly gorgeous Casey centric icons plus Spencer & Sasha, Dex & April and Walker family icons. Lovely use of b&w/colour, croppings, fonts and capturing facial expressions.
  19. Lincoln Younes was amazing in "Tangle" and he even won an award for his performance in Season 3 of the show: 11th ASTRA Awards (2013) Most Outstanding Performance by an Actor – Male • Lincoln Younes (Tangle - season 3, showcase) It's a shame that they didn't continue with that show due to various reasons including the cap on financial support after a particular amount of episodes. That show gave him more scope as an actor, imo than "Home and Away" due to the amazing script writing and also the various talented and up-and-coming cast members that he got to work with.
  20. I have moved this thread to the Artwork Request thread -
  21. For anyone who is interested..... "Better Homes and Gardens" Channel 7 at 7 pm. (Friday 7th March, 2014) "This week on Better Homes and Gardens, Johanna Griggs travels to the Tassie home of Home and Away’s Bonnie Sveen." Source: Click here
  22. I, for one, look forward to actually seeing your scans of the two fan cards from Chris and Roo - as I'm sure others would like to too.
  23. Amazing two batches of icons Jen! Definitely the Apex creations.
  24. This is a thread about Ricky Sharpe, not Bianca nor Heath nor Zac nor Hannah nor the MacGuire twins. Please discuss all things Ricky Sharpe in this thread and you may also relate Ricky's shared on-screen interactions to other characters in this thread. Please keep the discussion on-topic and don't go off-topic and off on a tangent about other characters unless you can related it back to Ricky or their interactions with Ricky. There are other threads to discuss other characters such as Bianca, Heath, Zac etc in the Character/Actor thread - so please use them instead!
  25. Please make sure that if you post spoilers, then make sure that spoiler tags are added. Better still, it would be better to post all spoilers in the Spoiler thread as these threads are mainly for discussion of Australian paced episodes rather than what is actually going to happen in the future. Speculation on what you would like to happen to a particular character is welcome though.
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