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Everything posted by flyingwithoutwings

  1. Haha! You guys make me laugh. Guess what?
  2. Okay guys, at long last, I've found a picture of Amy's boyfriend. They're so cute. Just recently at a play; http://www.flickr.com/photos/storiesfromth...57623743113500/ 2007; http://newsphotos.com.au/ImageDetail.asp?RefNum=23843264
  3. *Squee* He reproposed! That's SO cute. Such a Tony thing to do. It was so sweet how he gave her his Mum's necklace. Poor Harry! Naw, the poor bub, I hope he's okay. Rachel must be worried sick. I loved how she gained a sudden strength when she hooked onto the fact that something was wrong, especially with her son. Can't wait for you to update, I really want to know what's wrong with Harry.
  4. Marilyn-17 Rabbit-14 Rachel-46 Miles-13 Leah-10 Irene-5 Elijah-6 Rachel's in the lead by a looooong way! You guys have done an ace job!
  5. My bad, he did too! Must've copied an old one, aha. Marilyn-33 Rabbit-21 Rachel-14 Miles-20 Leah-10 Irene-7 Elijah-6 Mwahahaha, back again! Ah, I can't keep up!
  6. Woo, all the good ones are left! Marilyn-25 Rabbit-19 Rachel-11 Miles-20 Leah-9 Irene-10 Alf-1 Elijah-15 That was tough, naw.
  7. Oh my goodness, I loved it!! That was beautiful. Really sad when Tony realised that Rachel hadn't gotten better. So heartbreaking. You captured the emotions really well; all the worry, and sadness, but relief, too. I loved the last line, how he had to try not to bump into anything. Hehe. Can't wait for you to update!! Ooh, an important question! And bad news?
  8. TACHEL!! That was amazing. So cute! Eeep, they're adorable. I loveeed every minute of that chapter, I didn't want it to end! I loved how lovey dovey they were, especially when that horrible nurse came in. Ah, she was nasty. But I loved how Rachel asserted herself, making a point of saying who she is and what position she was in. Haha. Naw, their conversation about her hair was so sad. I loved how he kept reassuring her that she was still beautiful. And the end, with Tony, Leah and Harry. How cute! I really, really want to know what he has planned! But it'll be sad when he realises that Rach isn't getting better. Can't wait for you to update, looking forward to it!!
  9. Oh my gosh: !!! EEEE, Tachel! I loved the opening line: "Morning, beautiful..." I also loved how Rachel said she was never going to sleep and hold Tony's hand all night again, haha! The whole feel of that chapter was amazing. The light heartedness and fun was perfect, I loved it! I loved how Rachel was like: "Come here, you big idiot." That chapter was amazing, and ! I can't wait to read about the next chapter!
  10. A month without this fic is far too long! And it was on the THIRD page! Haha. I really hope Rachel's okay.
  11. Oh my goodness, that was so good Laura, I was hooked! Rachel! She's okay, it worked! I loved how Leah and Gina kept a bedside vigil between Rachel and Tony. And I loved Rachel's cheekiness. So cute. I loved this bit, I thought it was so sweet, and fun. A nice change from the sadness. I also loved how Leah comforted Rachel when she realised what Tony had done for her. It was so beautiful to see her realise just how much he loves her, and how much she really does love him. Aww, yay! I thought it was nice when Leah described how Tony reacted when he realised he was a match; cute, haha. Ah, the end paragraph. TACHEL!! Yay! It was so beautiful, how they just looked at each other, smiling, holding hands, with no words needing to be said. It was perfect, I loved it! Ooh, I can't wait to find out how Rachel reacts when Tony tells her everything. Hopefully more lovey-ness. Looking forward to you updating!
  12. Laura, I think we're all having withdrawals. I want to see a Tachel lovey-dovey scene. Haha. 11 days is too long without this fic! It's just too good.
  13. Yey, Tony's a match!! I really hope everything goes according to plan, they really need some happiness for once! Aw, I loved it when Tony was recovering and all he was worried about was Rachel. That was gorgeous. I really want Rachel to just wake up and tell him she loves him, and they go all lovey-dovey again. He's been so supportive; they all have, really. I loved, loved, loved this from Tony: The way you write this is amazing; the sensitivity and emotions, and the relationships and friendships are all portrayed SO well! Kudos. I really liked in this chapter that Derek somewhat slightly let personal relations override his professionality, because at the end of the day, he's not only Rachel's colleague but friend, too. Kate! She just does not give up! Ugh! I so can't wait for you to update! x
  14. Oh. My. Goodness. That was incredible!! I nearly started crying, it was just so beautifully written. The way Leah and especially Tony didn't leave her side... they're amazing supports. The way Tony reassured her, and kissed her head was beautiful. It was really upsetting when he realised her wound... that really almost set me off. Leah. The whole revelation at the beginning was incredible, and so upsetting. "Your face, your beautiful face, what has this monster done to you?" Loved that line, amongst all the rest. The beginning, where Leah realises everything that happened to Rach, then seeing her really stood out to me. It was just incredible. Seriously amazing. Mark's such an absolute low life! What a bastard! How can he do that to someone? He makes me sick. The last line amazed me though... ugh, he can't come back, he just can't. But thank goodness he FINALLY realises what he's done.. albeit just a BIT too late. I really can't wait for you to update!
  15. Ah, I'm starting to have withdrawals Laura, haha! 1 week and I miss this.
  16. Ah, that was so amazing, so sad, and so well written; I didn't want it to end! Rachel. Tony. Leah. You're writing their emotions so well, and so sensitively, it's amazing. I'm loving, loving, loving this. Tony's bone marrow? Wow, I really hope so! It must be so hard for him and Gina, especially knowing what their Mother went through. Ah, Derek, give him good news, please!! Haha. I love this fic, it's so brilliant; I can't wait for you to update!
  17. ! That was amazing, but so sad!! Poor Rachel, I hope she pulls through! Poor Tony, too, he must be going through hell right now. I loved this bit: That was so sad! I can't wait to see what Tony's realisation is, and I hope Derek's news is good!
  18. Oh my gosh, that was brilliant! Kate! Wow, I wasn't expecting that at all, it was VERY clever! She forged it? Gee, she really is desperate.. I almost feel sorry for her. But I loved Rachel picking up on the 'y,' that was so good! Go Rach! I can't believe the end though. So sad! She's really sick, especially now that she's collapsed. I really hope she'll be okay. Poor Tony. I can't wait for you to update! 'Tony refuses to let Rachel go.' No! She can't die, she just cant!
  19. OH wow, that was brilliant! TACHEL! Ah, that was beautiful. Haha, I had to laugh at the start. I loved this: “You asked me to sleep with you last night?” “Sleep with me!” “Well not like that Rach” Tony laughed as Rachel felt her cheeks flush red. She had no idea why she was acting like this all of a sudden. Haha, funny. And they kissed. Kate! I don't want her to die, I just don't want her interfering anymore. Ah, he better come back to Rachel! I wonder who's at the door... Hmm. I loved that, it was amazing! I can't wait for the next one. x PS; thankyou so much for the dedication!
  20. Oh my goodness, I didn't want that to end! It was amazing! I thought she would go with Tony.. far out, Mark's such a bastard. (Am I allowed to say that on here? Whoops) The way you wrote that was amazing. The way Rach didn't bother making up another excuse for injuries was so sad.. no words had to be spoken for Tony to know exactly what was wrong was beautiful. My heart was racing when Mark came in.. I was so scared for Rachel, haha. Mark makes me sick. Oh my goodness, the cliffhanger! That whole last paragraph was amazing.. it's gotten so full on.. ah, I'm dying to know what happens now! Can't wait for you to update!
  21. Aw, that was a brilliant little chapter! I loved, loved, loved the way Rach finally let Tony in, even if it was only a little bit. He really is being incredibly supportive. If it's Kate that calls Tony away... Grrrrr Kate. Can't wait for you to update!
  22. That was amazing!! The way you wrote Rachel's panic attack was brilliant; it was so sad. I loved Tony being there for her, he's really proving himself. But I thought it was sad when she turned him down. I guess he'll just have to keep trying. Loved it! Can't wait to see things get happier, and I wonder what Rachel does..?
  23. That was a really great update! YAY, Tony finally told Kate what he thought of her. I just hope Kate really isn't that cruel to tell Rachel this big secret (I soo want to know what it is!) while she's dealing with her cancer. Leah's such an amazing, supportive friend. It's so lovely to read. It was so sad to read Rachel telling Leah that she didn't want to see Tony; she really is fighting a battle with herself. I so can't wait to see how it all gets to Rachel; it'll be so sad.
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