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Everything posted by Belle.

  1. love love LOVE the HP icons! They're amazing!
  2. Loving the new art Jen! I'm in awe how you can make so many! I made only one, and it tired me out for life!
  3. Woah, Jen this is awesome! You're a really great writer, and I'm loving the dialogue Can't wait for your next chapter!
  4. Love them! Can I save the 2nd J/M one for future use?
  5. I just have to say, WOW! Jen they are amazing!
  6. Great work Jen! I love the last two especially!
  7. Love love love them! Esp. the "me & you" one, the best!
  8. Such talent!
  9. Oh, thanks for that Jen! I love your newbies too
  10. Excellent Jen! Whats happening in the pic?
  11. Fantastic story! Its perfectly written! I do hope you write more Belle & Drew fics in the near future! You're an awesome writer
  12. Loving them all!
  13. Fantastic! Loving them Jen esp. the 4th Belle one! Can I use??
  14. Awesome work Jen! I'm loving the Lelle ones, esp the 1st, 5th, 6th & 7th! I wish I could make some that good
  15. Awesome Jen! What font did you use in the third one? Looks great!
  16. Great sigs Jen! I love the "who I am" avi, its gorgeous!
  17. Haha! Loving them all!
  18. Awesome as always Jen!
  19. Thanks so much for the awesome comments! Please read 'Denial', which is kind of a continuation of this story, in Belle's point of view, & tell me what you think! Enjoy!
  21. Thanks, Belle. Is that one of my icons you are using now? Yeah, I think it is... I hope its ok I am? it's just so gorgeous, and I've never seen someone so talented at photoshop! Goodness knows I definately am not!
  22. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! Especially the 'jealous' one
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