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Everything posted by *J&M*

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. Aww great ending looking forward to your new fic
  3. Stupid Karen Poor Jack and Alex Update soon.
  4. Poor Martha I hope she's ok! Jack has to hurry up and find her Great chapter, update soon
  5. OMG! Martha That was a great chapter, update soon.
  6. OH NO!!!! Let's hope she doesn't do anything stupid to hurt Martha Update soon.
  7. Brilliant writing! Loved the part update soon.
  8. Great chapter! What's Peter gonna tell Martha? Update soon
  9. Happy Birthday Paulie
  10. Great chapter as usual They better have a nice long chat, or I won't be happy Update soon.
  11. Great chapter Update soon.
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. ^lol he would have little midget feet as well
  14. Sorry about your loss Great chapter as usual, Martha wants Jack Update soon.
  15. Great start Hope you decide to continue!
  16. That was brill! Loved the ending, well done
  17. That was an incredible chapter! Finally they're getting it on update soon.
  18. That was a cute chapter update soon
  19. Aww Great chapter! Finally Martha's come to her senses Update soon.
  20. Great chapter as usual Can't wait for the date's, update soon.
  21. Great chapter Martha better tell Jack soon or I will not be pleased update soon.
  22. Brilliant chapter Stupid Brett J&M= Update soon.
  23. Fab chapter I hate Eamon and Richard Update soon.
  24. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  25. ^I want to give him a hug as well Poor Jack Great chapter, update soon.
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