Those were the days!
Confession time - I actually did not write much on Classic Twisted, other than the odd comment in reply to Jed and Tandy's epistle's! The original IDEA, was they would be written by Jed Dejai - alias JosieTash who was then called Jedi Jade, Tandy Webba, alias Wanda, with the occasional input from Kit Nails alias Kaitlyn, ,myself alias spooky Jess and Carol Yournd - I did come up with all the names though! We last three were all extremely lax and left it entirely up to Jed and Tandy who actually did a brilliant job and did not need us anyway, other than to tell them how wonderful they were.
Eduardo Bearo fans may also be pleased to hear - I think - that his modest reminiscences will be making a reappearance some time before christmas. As to which christmas we dont yet know; he is rather busy in Hollywood. He is now on the Hollywood *A* list and is in great demand.
NB: it has just occured to me whilst reading these first few chapters that a certain script producer, who shall remain nameless - but we all know who he is - - has obviously, shamelessly and blatantly plagiarised the Twisted Tales and has nicked the idea of having one of Summer Bay's finest have a secret past as a hooker. Should we sue him? Morag is being consulted by Wanda - who is no slouch when it comes to litigation - about this very matter as I write. Watch this space!