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Mrs Bishop

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Off the Scale! (10/12)



  1. Happy Birthday hubby have a good one from your wife xxxxxxxxxxx
  2. I couldnt agree with you more Muse 2004/5 were the best story lines ever so much has change and not for the good i,m hopwing his new aeries will do well and at long last he makes it in the states all though i miss him in HAA but Actors have to move on .
  3. Nicholas Bishop who Played Peter Baker was suppose to die in the blast on Martha and Jacks Wedding day but unbeknowns to any one he was put into whitness protection because some one was after him his family didnt know neither did Peter him self he came back a few months later to save his son Drew from Gillans Hench men. Later once established back in the bay he went on to marry Amanda Vale and the eventuly Moved to the city where they are still suppoadly living and hes still in police work . Nicholas Bishop him self is in the states working on a series soon to be shown on ABC TV Body of Proof a series fior tv.
  4. Dull but very warm
  5. Corrie will be explosive next week with it being on every night at 9 pm just wondering who is about to cop it .
  6. Mrs Bishop


    Yes it will be nice to see Pauline in the role of Jacksons Mother sheould be a very intersting story line .
  7. And how do you follow that Thanks Red Ranger for the stasticis any way geting back to corrie what about tonight when it all kickes off shush , So looks as though Tina is going to stick the knife in for Gail between her and Tracey is it bye bye Gail? I see Graham and Taina geting together they will make a lovley couple hes really looked after her and got her back to her old self .
  8. Beautiful sun shine
  9. Fresh with som sun
  10. Mrs Bishop


    I agree with you Slade If Viv hadnt said what she did Jamie and Jen would now be to gether in there new life i get the impression Viv dosent like people being happy , As for the Bartons what did Moira expect from John leaving him with a beautiful young girl and talk about double standards it seeemed to me it was ok for her to have feelings for Marlon but different for her husband to have the same feelings i think she should take a look at her self, Nathan well whast can you say about him hes one spoilt brat and i,m not suprised Natasha kicked him out for being the way he is and also for trying to take over the buisness while Natasha has a partner and Nathan trying to get rid of him i know where i would tell him to go.
  11. sun trying to come out
  12. Now that Tyrone and Molly have had the car Accident i am just wondering whats going to happen will Molly lose the baby and how will Kevin feel if she dose he should have concentrated on what he was doing in stead of Mollycoddeling Sophi who seems to be taking ovewr from were Rose left off for attention.
  13. Mrs Bishop


    Watching last nights ep i felt Sam was sorry for what he had gone and done in reporting Olena tpo the Imigration but i can undwer stand why he would do some thing like that, after all he must have felt betrayed by Eli and Olena, what we must realise Sam isnt the full ticket so would not have thought he was getting Pollard into trouble. Viv is another fish all together she is always shooting her mouth off but no one says a word to her they just let her get on with it the person i feel sorry for is Bob.
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