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  2. It also made me realise just how slow the bay was to get a gym in there. I mean you have weights int he middle of the surf club while customers are trying to get to the kiosk. They only got the gym in there a few years ago when Indi and Romeo bought it. Its funny to look back and see how things have changed. I mean the police station, hospital I agree I liked Alf's little store he had. Anyway im still not sure about Nathan and his intentions. But I guess we will soon see.
  3. ooh I can still clearly remember todays ep all those years ago when Shane typed angel's name into the database. The start of a big storyline.
  4. I loved todays episode. Loved how Morag got caught out and Sam admitted he wanted to stay and not go to that school. Loved how Pippa and Michael took Sam in. That's what I miss on the current series. The fostering.
  5. I wish morag could have fostered duncan and alf and ailsa could have taken sam. just so duncan left before he grew up into that evil child. In fact Morag has paid more attention to sam than her own real nephew. We have not seen them together at all. It was funny with Irene. Poor woman. But good to see her still going well.
  6. I presumed she meant mid year exams. If its end of year exams then you are right. The year has flown. I dont even remember when I last saw Finn at school.
  7. Every time i see Duncan i wish Morag took him away because i just think of him in the future and what a pain he is. Also I never actually realised how much older Sam was than Duncan. Morag is so evil but I am still enjoying her on screen and that wicked grin.
  8. What i find funny is Sally was so mad at Adam with what happened to bobby but yet she didn't even bother going to the funeral and im pretty sure we didn't seven see her shed a tear. In fact days after bobby died we didn't even see her. glad that Sam has realised it was a mistake and Adam and Sam became mates again even if fisher doesn't like it. Morag is up to something but it is nice seeing her around the bay.
  9. did anyone else think that there should have been more people at the funeral? I mean the 2 rows were filled then the rest was filled with extras. i thought roxy should have been there and luke and some of the others around town. even fin should have been there as bobby was her boss.
  10. i realised yesterday that poor Donald ended up losing 3 children. first allan then bobby then byron. geez what rotten luck. also i always wondered why sam called him uncle donald. he was technically more a grandfather. anyway its strange seeing morag back in when she was so mean but i do miss her these days.
  11. now we will get to see the freaky fridge scene in the stewart kitchen in the near future.
  12. i meant in the current series that screen at 7 pm. id love to see them visit the bay again. Also did anyone else find it strange that in todays episode that pippa was helping greg and still obviously upset about bobby while michael was off at a soccer match having a laugh and again not seen with pippa and we still havent seen sally.
  13. i miss morag now. i wish she would come back. I also wish finn or damien would come back to the bay and visit Irene.
  14. i wonder if there is a chance we will see a scene with both michael and pippa in it. So far they have taken it in turns to appear each day separately. also how come we didnt see sally today. she grew up with bobby. now the interetsing thing will be when morag comes back. She was so evil back then.
  15. its strange how children deal handle situations better than adults. Sam knew that Bobby was never going to be ok and it was so sad when Don was telling him she has gone to heaven and he started crying then at the end when he told greg he would help him. I did sort of laugh when don yelled at greg and told him straight that she had gone and he had to realise it. I guess back in those days especially characters like don they would just bottle up there feelings, not allowed to show emotion and just expected to deal with it. Poor Alisa when the phone rang. But seriously how did we not see Pippa again. I mean michael should have told her and she should have been there for sam. Interesting they bought up the donation of her organs. 20 years ago im assuming that it was an issue never discussed and now its a bigger issue but now it doesnt seem to be bought up. Over the past few years when home and away characters died like casey and charlie organ donation was never raised. I think the writers hsould add it in because people relate to tv and characters and it may get discussions going. anyway now we have no bobby and i had no idea she was only 19 when she raised the idea of the diner with Ailsa.
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