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WillowsTara last won the day on October 23 2014

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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away, Neighbours

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    Only a few hours from H&A (Brisbane)
  • Interests
    Buffy, H&A, Charmed, Supernatural, Hereos, Smallville. Amber Benson. Friends, hanging out, reading, writing, acting

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  1. I know H&A will probably be on before it gets answered, but does anyone know if H&A, Neighbours and all the other shows tonight are going to be on? I know since the bombing in New York some programmes might not be on (I don't understand that though, they have had all day to report on it, including different channels and a hundred news station on at 5pm-6pm, how much more can they report)
  2. Oklay thanks, I will try and remeber to copy and paste that letter before sending it off. I know the three are busy but hope it doesn't take too long to get it (Jodi was busty I am sure of it but got hers soon enough)
  3. Hey guys, I hope it's okay to ask, I was wondering where could I sent a fanmail to Melody's, Ruby's and Charlie's actors? (Also what are their full names?). Like the poster above me not sure what I will write in it. Oh and I got Kate Garven's letter several years ago, I think I got it months later. Got Jodi's as well a few years back, I was actually shocked that I even got it, I forgot I sent it out lol, plus it was only like two weeks after sending it that I got it, she's pretty fast or whoever did the sending. Edit: Btw the way another question: has anyone ever had to send a second letter to an actor twice because you forgot the return address? I had to, it was to Amber Benson (Not 100% sure if it was the right address) and the first letter I forgot to write the return address lol, so I had to sent a second one when I realized it with a return address
  4. Ah, well they are magics pills so they could keep both alive. Hmm but I think I will have a C section, although I wasn't planning it to be born for a month i should b nessacary. The mother could still b alive after C section while in a coma right? She's only going to be there until her husband wakes up, but I am not sure how long I am dragging the storyline for (But they both wake up after the main storyline is finished). Oh and to answer the other poster, it's quite supernatural with witches, powers, immortal, propchies. Well a cross of Hereos, Charmed, Buffy and Supernatural if you will with a dabble of Harry Potter (Not to mention with all the drama, 50% like H&A lol). Actually if it was a TV show three of the characters would be played by the actors of Charlie, Ruby and Melody, only the character are Taylor, Candice and Jasmine, oh and the FBI Agent that in a coma (The male) he would be played by Nicholas Bishop (Peter, that's the right actor name right?)
  5. Hey guys, I have a question and wasn't sure where to put it so I thought here would be good (I asked this at another forum but the person who answered was being sarastic and I can't be bothered asking the question there anymore, hope people will be mature with this). It invovles my story where one of the main character is pregnant and used magic pills to go in a coma,. Here was the question asked. In my story, one of the upcoming storylines a main character (An FBI Agent) is shot in the line of duty and is placed in a coma. His pregnant wife can't stand not able to have him awake (Not the first time he's been in a coma but they were like a few days) so she takes some magicial pills (No really, they are magic, this is a supernatural story) that places her into a coma until her husband wakes up and when he does, she will too. So my question is this, how would a pregnant woman be treated in a coma? Would the baby be fed the same way as the mother is? (I can't remeber how thought) or would doctors have to do a C section (The baby not supposed to born until next month aka March) and get the baby out?
  6. Doubt it Sam, the credits were going before Sam came on, maybe Jack and Martha? Besides the girl looks like she has long hair, not curly. But it could easily just be two random people.
  7. asilin- Be patient;) Because I was a week or two ago I got a letter back fron Jodi Gordon (I wasn't even expecting it, I think I almost forgot about the letters I sent Lol), I know I sent a letter to Jodi sometime this year, probably early, I can't really remeber;) I sent one to Kate Ritchie too but no reply, I think I sent another letter to somebody, it's not Amber Benson (I did sent her one but she's not the one I am thinking of), I am pretty certain I sent a letter to someone I just can't remeber, could have been one of my favourite actors, from any shows I watched
  8. Hey they look great dsingles....If I could see them, don't worry it's not you, it's my stupid computer and I am not going to wait for it to load, inf act I am getting off (I have just about enough of it today, it's been going slow all morning), and because the Jack/Matilda pictures above it were still loading, it was taking forever for them. So once my computer decides to stop annoying me and actually load the picture, I can't use it as a avatar, but when it does, I will use it, anyway thanks Edit: In fact, why don't you PM me the pictures, then it won't have to wait for hours just for the other pictures to load
  9. What cap Rosey? If you meant what I said in my last post, I meant your Caps Lock
  10. Okay thanks Rosey (BTW your caps was on)
  11. Hey, I have a request for an Avatar. I was wondering if someone could make me an avatar with Amanda and Peter kissing, the last kiss we saw in last week episode (Just before it faded to black and we never see them again, well for a while anyway), and the text saying A Fairy Tale Ending
  12. Thanks dsingles for the avtar, I will use it soon
  13. Happy birthday to all the stars celebrating a birthday, BTW, when is Kate Garven's Birthday?
  14. It was about either last year or the year before (I think when Jade is just about to leave), I wrote to Kate Garven, I hadn't expected a letter in a short while, but a couple of months letter I see that Kate had written back with an signed autograph and some information about her (In case you couldn't tell, Kate Garven was the one I wrote too, she plays as Jade Sutherland). I also did write to Jodi Gordon and Kate Ritchie I think earlier this year or last year (Not sure) but they haven't answered it yet Edit: In fact, I might write a letter to Holly Briskley and Nick Bishop, could I have the address to sent a letter to these two? (And maybe the Actress who plays Rachel, I love her character, no matter what happens she evautally forgives people, quicker then the others thought)
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