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  1. And when you have eaten that one?
  2. They are soooo cool. Well done!
  3. LOL, your poor family. Do you have the schnappy croc one too?
  4. No fizzy drinks, cut down on the sugar, no sweets and chocolate, avoid citrus fruits and eat plenty of stuff like yoghurt. Those little probiotic drinks are good too. Nurse hattie, aka nurse whiplash, has spoken.
  5. I got up early and its very chilly here...about 3 degrees.
  6. Melbourne is about 15/16, quite sunny yesterday, looks like it will be again today, but not warm, and a bit breezy.
  7. every cast meber about once a week?
  8. Duncan and Jade?
  9. LOL...that would e good..I miss posh josh... I thknk Noah and hayley.
  10. tom tp justine? Something abpout an ad he was going to appear in?
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