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    Home and Away, Eastenders and Hollyoaks.

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  1. Aww, this icon is so pretty! The cropping is ace and I adore the colouring. <3
  2. So. Many. Jonas. And each one is gorgeous! Your avatars are just stunning, Jen. I love the colouring, cropping and the text you use. The split icons are my favourites in particular. <3
  3. I aboslutely adore these two! The colouring is beautiful, especially on the Jess one and I just adore the cropping on the Mink one. <3
  4. Jen! Your icons get better all them, you know that? The colouring of those is aboslutely gorgeous, but why do you have to put them on that rectangle... I can't pick my faves! Seriously though, your icons are just beautiful... I hope one day I'll have as much talent as you. By the way, what program do you use?
  5. I love how I always come into your thread to find a new style of avatars. And, may I add that they are BEAUTIFUL! Love love love this icon! <3 The effect looks amazing and the cropping of the picture is spot on!
  6. Barbara! Those icons are totally amazing! I ADORE the colouring very much, particularly on the ones I have quoted. I love these text on the first and the heart finishes it of nicely. The second has to be my favourite though, the colouring is just so pretty.
  7. Jen, they are seriously perfect! <3 The colouring is so gorgeous and I love the way you;ve used the text and those little hearts. My fave has to be the "we belong together" icon, it is amazing! You really need to share the secrets on your stunning colouring. I'm very jealous.
  8. Just the icon I've been waiting for. Gaden. Aden and Geoff BOTH topless = GORGEOUS! I definitely agree with Lise, the blue colouring is absolutely stunning. I also love the "attraction" icon, the text looks amazing.
  9. I've made a few. I was experimenting on them, so they're not very good. I have posted these ones in my thread before and a couple of them are quite old: These are new:
  10. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Amy, you always manage to come up with something new whenever you update! I love the effect! I especially like number 4.
  11. What a gorgeous update, Sez! I paticularly love these two, as the colouring is just stunning! I always love your updates there always has to be someone with their top off. Ahhh. Romeo.
  12. Jen, number 14 is absolutely gorgeous! I love it so much. The colouring is beautiful and the text looks so good on it.
  13. I love Romeo. His character is becoming one of the best in show and I really like how we are seeing more of him as time goes by. I just love his relationship with Xavier. They seem to be really close and it's nice to see two boys in the show that have such a good relationship. In the episode where himself and Nicole were discussing going back to school, I was really fascinated by their little scene together as it really did seem like they are or eventually will become a couple. Even though I quite like Nicole and Aden, from that scene I do think that they would make a really nice couple and considering that they are both in Year 12, they'll be spending more time together.
  14. I'll give it a go also. I have a few in my thread already but I'll be happy to post them here too as well as making a few more for you. I love making Aden icons anyway . So, it would be my pleasure.
  15. Jen, these icons are beautiful! The first one awwww so cute, I love it! The colouring is absolutely gorgeous on it. I adore the second one, they are such a cute little family, aren't they? I love the way that you've cropped it and the colouring again is amazing. On the third, the thing that strikes me most is the text. It fits in really well with the icon and I think you have cropped it just right.
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