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Everything posted by hapitoby

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  6. Yeah 2000 we had the end of Bayside diner, big overhaul of characters including long term Sam and OG Ailsa. Had the introductions of the Sutherlands which would dominate storylines for the next 4+ years. As well as Leah's arrival. Oh yes ofc ha both marrying Marilyn and having a son with her (Byron died and Jett is in wheelchair due to injuries). They also had a illegitimate daughters - Bobby and Shandi. Both reluctant to be a father figure after falling out with their son (Alan/Trey) but ended up fostering Viv/Jett.
  7. Alf, Sally, Don, Pippa, Ailsa, Irene, Morag, Marilyn, Brax, Leah/John Brax is noticeably shorter (approx 5 years in total) yet he's definitely the most iconic new character of the last 15 years. Him -as well as the rest of the Braxtons really defined that era of the show and even to this day in terms of more regular crime and gangs. I couldn't decide between Leah and John. Leah has been here since 2000 so really feels like the start of the new millennium. She's been through multiple eras. John does feel like this century's Donald Fisher to me. Both started as these nasty villians (and initial guest characters) that had a lot of power within the roles in the community, that eventually mellowed out and being foster parents. Both had neglected their son/stepson which leads to years of resentment and hatred.
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  19. Hah I would love to hear the characters theories on what Rob was doing
  20. There's still quite a bit they can do with the older cast. Ryder and Theo were great additions for Alf, Roo and Leah. It's a shame Ryder was let go. I thought he was a character that could hang around for ages as he still had a lot the could do with him. They could have still brought him back as a guest now and again. Same with VJ. Andrew was also another good albeit brief addition for the family unit with Leah and Justin..and they could always bring Ava in more too. Roo does seem unfertilised...I'm glad she's doing more with the Surf Club but she should have done more with the school or working in this Youth centre with Harper and Tane, yet we didn't see that at all. It was just to introduce Perri, unfortunately. It'll also give Harper more of a purpose if they brought this aspect back. It's a good way to introduce younger characters too without the school of the show really wants to distance itself from that, while maintaining the fostering or mentoring aspect of the show. I'd prefer if Marilyn and John didn't get back together, as long as they give them something else to do. One of them could try a single parent fostering thing. It'll be nice to see Marilyn join another family unit. She's often been in long term relationships with older guys so it'll be nice to see her be with a guy her age or younger. Maybe a singular dad that moves to the bay and Marilyn has to navigate taking on another parental role with his kids. Heather wasn't the worse idea for a long list daughter for Marilyn - it was excited very, very poorly for a short term villian - similar with Mick for Irene. John could try single parent fostering or even have Shandi come back with children...or even he just has one or two grandchildren that he looks after. Irene could leave the diner and start a new business, start a new relationship (it's been forever) or have one of her many grandchildren come to stay. Not sure her grandchildren but her ex foster children kids.
  21. That would have been a terrible twist and can't see it being executed well. It was predictable how it ended but probably better than way than a terrible twist.
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