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c120701 last won the day on February 23

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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away & Neighbours

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  1. Roo saying she’d had a caravan moved off the slab where the Bait Shop was going to go made me laugh, they’re all just plonked on the lawn!
  2. I wonder if the Astonis had given him a long term lease on a peppercorn rent before they sold it.
  3. What does the Bait Shop really add to the show? Alf has the Caravan Park to run and the Surf Club, maybe we could just see the Caravan Park or Summer Bay House a bit more and have some people stay at the park.
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  5. Ahh, ok. I guess Good was better than Wonderful, but yeah…
  6. Didn’t the 2008 premiere go from the Fletcher house flashback to Ric’s birthday cake saying TWENTY WONDERFUL YEARS? I doubt it was referencing Ric’s traumatic childhood.
  7. I find it really odd seeing characters like Remi at Summer Bay House, there was a time when almost everyone went there fairly frequently, but now it’s so disconcerting, almost like Remi had gone through a portal to a parallel universe.
  8. Was the development that Alf & Michael fell out about linked to The Sands?
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  12. Ah thanks, maybe similar architecture or something. I was thinking around that time period, although initially thought it was Belle’s rehab, but checked that episode and it wasn’t. Leah & Justin’s skinny dipping and aftermath seemed very old school Home and Away, so much so that it just felt really out of place.
  13. I feel like the location of Abigail’s counselling session has been used before, but I can’t place where. @Dan F, any ideas please?
  14. Without seeing screenshots I’d make a guess that it was down to studio space, we’d have had the Drop In Centre by then as another large & prominent set, shooting closer up might have meant they could have even smaller sections of the modular set up in the studio.
  15. Kristy Wright feels a bit like the odd one out in this line up, I feel like they’re missing a strong crossover link between the eras like Adam Willits or one of the more long term cast members.
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