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Everything posted by c120701

  1. It’s not the first time he’s been conveniently kept away from a storyline he’d shut down in 20 seconds.
  2. I’ll give this to Irene, she’s not a cheap alcoholic this time around, 13 year aged Whiskey. Alf being around surprised me, I’d assumed he was out of town as I’m sure he’d have something to say about her relapse.
  3. Yes and clearly neither he or Ziggy follow Salt’s socials to see the fundraiser.
  4. I meant to post before, I don’t know if it’s for continuity if Lynne McGranger has had a haircut, but Irene wearing her hair up was very early 00s - and made much more sense for someone handling food!
  5. I liked the way Bronte’s downfall has come about - although a lot of people didn’t listen to Dana they did know how committed she is to her work and those she cares for. I have to say she’s one of my favourite characters in the show right now.
  6. I think we might have seen Pippa return to nursing or having been Flynn’s receptionist at his surgery.
  7. Tane’s proposal almost excites me as his idea and John’s reaction is in keeping with the origins of the show, but I won’t get my hopes up and the Tane aspect of it doesn’t excite me. I hate that Mali is now getting involved in the criminal aspect of the show (other than his girlfriend being a cop). He is bland at times, but I like that he’s a good guy normally.
  8. It often happens, or they’ll close the front door behind them but leave the back door open.
  9. He said his father greeted him in heaven (whether that version was Summer Bay House or not, I don’t know), when he appeared for Sally in 2008.
  10. It was really jarring to see John & Roo use the wrong front door of The Beach House (or even the front door at all), it made sense camera wise and makes sense given there’s no furniture in the way of that one, it’s just rarely been used.
  11. Ah, I lose track. I was half expecting this Diner story to be a way to work the Pier reopening back in.
  12. Wasn’t Tom fostered? And Pippa’s parents were still alive so it seems unlikely they’re connected.
  13. Leah and Irene always seem to be away at the same time and since Chris & Colleen left and Roo quit, poor Marilyn is left on her own. And the Beach House now has four bedrooms again, with three upstairs. Convenient.
  14. I feel a bit like Mali is leading up to what Alf would normally do, lead the Bay in some kind of memorial for Stevie so they can then move on, but in order to do that Alf has to act out of character.
  15. With the BBC News at One being extended and pushing Doctors to 2pm, I wonder if the 15 minute headstart will benefit Home and Away ahead of Doctors ending this year?
  16. Still catching up… what happened to the song Justin wrote? Is he supposed to have written This Old Love by Lior? Marilyn’s exit seemed a last minute hasty explanation, presumably Emily Symons wasn’t available for the exterior scenes for some reason. Brody & Raffy not being there was odd - and are Helen & Theo Snr still alive? It was a lovely wedding though, and nice to see the cash splashed on the longer term cast.
  17. Yes, that’s why she was towards the end of my list. Catching up… there was a weird scene which started with Cash rolling off of Eden clearly supposed to be post-coital after he rolled but they had the covers between them. It was hilarious.
  18. I think Georgie Parker having time off for plays in her contract and her spinal issues has stopped them making her more central.
  19. Rather than speaking to Alf, Irene, John or Marilyn - or heaven forbid Pippa or Sally, Roo decides to google about experiences of fostering… The show shows signs of linking to Roo’s past and the show’s past and then does it’s best to avoid doing it.
  20. Glad they’ve managed to find a job that makes Cash even more dull than being a cop.
  21. They had the Church Hall until Walter Bertram burnt it down.
  22. I was amazed by Alf & Roo’s reference to Martha Jnr, it seemed very out of place in modern day Home and Away as the past is largely forgotten. It made me wonder if Martha Jnr had abandoned the baby and was hoping Alf or Roo would find it, but leaving her at the house would’ve made more sense there.
  23. True, I presume it’ll also be swept under the carpet that this is supposed to be an annual sponsorship so unless Alf’s unlimited funds stem to that he’s only solved the issue short term.
  24. I had a feeling Alf would be the mystery donor, wonder where that’s come from as he’s had the Caravan Park closed and the Bait Shop barely staffed. I wonder if it’s something to do with the Bait Shop seeing that the location has changed a fair bit.
  25. Someone asked me why Justin is doing Community Service, and if that was why Leah moved out, I had to explain that Leah moved out as she pulled a knife on him, then rule out the kidnap, being held hostage, being shot with an arrow and a car crash before I could get to the actual reason. I then looked back and realised that all of this has happened to him in the space of a year! What even is this show?
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