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Everything posted by c120701

  1. It would’ve been refreshing if Valerie were someone who’d had treatment and had her illness under control, now I’ve lost all interest.
  2. I doubt it, but I wonder if we’ll see Alf reference any of Ailsa’s (or even Martha’s) mental health struggles while Leah is staying with him, after all, she may have pulled a knife on Justin, but Ailsa shot Alf!
  3. Well given the UK finale as well, probably somewhere from September/October(?) onwards?
  4. No-one should drive out of Summer Bay on screen, amazing how these accidents only tend to happen on camera. Convenient that Remi decided to go on the bike to pick up Eden rather than in the band van which would’ve made more sense.
  5. Xander performing CPR on Mac on her bed… No wonder he’s a former Paramedic.
  6. Had to laugh at the writer of tonight’s episode sneaking ‘Home and Away’ into the script.
  7. I think it was more that as Shannon & Sally were 18 they could look after Christopher with him being Sally’s brother legally and Pippa’s child. DoCS may have felt differently about Sam, particularly with Sally/Shannon already having Christopher to look after.
  8. Wow, it really doesn’t seem that long ago - but it was, I was still at school! When BTTB launched it was a time where sites merged (as happened to bring about BTTB) or often closed, the idea of a fansite lasting 20 years seemed unimaginable, so congratulations and thank you for all the money and hard work put into keeping it going!
  9. The Channel 5 X account keeps talking about past characters, which is nice, but it just feels so off brand these days.
  10. Irene’s granddaughter is heavily pregnant with twins? How many years has Luc been SORASed?
  11. I know Irene has known Roo for 13 years now, but I genuinely didn’t believe her fear for Roo as there haven’t been many scenes building a friendship, it felt like another “Dan was like a son to me” moment. Bree covering both the ED and ICU made the hospital really seem like a regional hospital, despite it being a huge tower block.
  12. Me too, I thought Justin was referring to Leah’s Mum as his Mother-in-Law, the second reference to Leah was even stranger as he didn’t refer to her by name.
  13. I think part of it with the Braxtons is Mangrove River & Yabbie Creek (for the Police Station) almost became as central to the show as Summer Bay rather than just towns somewhere nearby or far away but nearer than “The City” depending on the story. I assume New Yabbie Creek Road improved the drive time.
  14. Leah’s gone off to see her Mother-in-Law? Is that the most obscure mention of Stella Patterson? Assume she’s moved from Yabbie Creek or wherever she lived locally when she used to look after VJ.
  15. All “passing through” a peninsula. Wonder where they were planning to sail (or swim) to…
  16. Tane’s of the opinion that New York or even New York City only consists of Manhattan if he thinks there’s no work for a lifeguard. If they lived on Staten Island there are beaches and Bella could get the ferry into Manhattan or they could live in Brooklyn and find a halfway point to Manhattan & Coney Island.
  17. They did, just not as slapstick as it might once have been. Eden’s brakes weren’t working so to avoid hitting the vehicle in front, rather than steering left into the empty field she steered right into oncoming traffic. Makes sense.
  18. Dean & Ziggy at the birthing class was just another story which seemed to be played in a very Neighbours or classic Home and Away way, even the score.
  19. Such an easy and genuine mistake to make, the show clearly never thought about the impact on these polls when giving Dean’s Mum the name Karen. Seeing how high the current regulars got I wonder if not seeing others votes has impacted the result.
  20. I think there’s been a couple of times between someone moving out and someone moving in, but only brief periods.
  21. So far the episodes have all had opening credits which is nice.
  22. I think it might have been good to go down the route of showing some of the backstory of Alf, Roo, Irene, Marilyn & Leah to the newer fans, but it’s a nice mix. I agree that the Pilot is done to death, and I’d add that Blake & Meg is a little tired between the repeats and the various homages to that death. Ben & Carly’s Wedding is a nice one, I wonder if Sharyn bringing that up at Ray’s This Is Your Life lead to that suggestion.
  23. I liked John & Dean’s little interaction about Jai, it was definitely foreshadowing something but it was a good little character scene. Irene & Leah sorting out Rose & Xander was lovely, real old school Summer Bay. I did get my hopes up though when Leah was talking to Justin about the people coming and going from the bay and welcoming people in that she was going to suggest fostering, but no she wanted to invite the band for dinner.
  24. No, Sophie too.
  25. Were Daria’s house/what became James’/Sally & Flynn’s etc… and Travis & Rebecca’s/Chloe & Lachie’s apartment ever on screen at the same time? I’ve just watched this clip and realised that the kitchen of the apartment is what would become kitchen of that house - the back wall complete with tiles and window dressing, the stove (relocated) was reused etc… The sofa too, but makes sense if that moved with Chloe.
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