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Everything posted by c120701

  1. I don’t think I saw either Flynn as right for Sally. The first Flynn (MD-W), I don’t know, just didn’t seem like a long term partner for her, he was more of a risk taker and Sally really wasn’t. The second Flynn (JM) was more suited to Sally as he generally played things a bit safer (I couldn’t imagine MD-W getting stuck abseiling down to Sally & Sophie), however he came across a bit more like a father figure to Sally, especially once they’d married. I guess given her history with those it was understandable that she’d want that, there were just times that Sally came across as immature compared to him. I just felt that she was in love with the security he provided as much as she was him, if not more.
  2. Do we ever find out why the oyster farm is owned by S Mulligan according to Lance & Martin’s truck but we’re told that Donald’s brother is the owner and that Clive Fisher is their boss? I assume Clive is the brother Don refers to as the owner rather than S Mulligan.
  3. Irene signing over her half of the Diner to Leah isn’t that simple, as it would be classed as a gift it would be subject to tax. She’d actually be better to sell it to Leah for a dollar or something. The court could also trace the transfer and challenge it, likewise if Irene did the same with her house to the kids. I’m wondering it what will happen is that Irene will need to sell the house and Leah buys a share in that, then moves in there.
  4. Of course. We’re not going to progress this, so we’ll have to agree to disagree.
  5. I put the subtitles on too and they did say maternity, but I also listened to it five times, including right by the speaker and it was definitely paternity.
  6. How did the new Doctor saying “I thought she was on paternity leave” in reference to Tori not get noticed by Sam Frost, the Director or any of the crew in studio or in post-production? It would’ve been easy to dub.
  7. We’ve actually not seen the Summer Bay House interior for quite a while now, at least in the UK. I think the last time was just after Alf came home.
  8. Clearly the Director loved the framing of the light shining through the stained glass between Robbo & Jasmine, meaning we had the really odd positioning of the Vicar off to the right of the altar.
  9. Jude Lawson was studying for a Law degree, I assume he may have qualified off screen.
  10. Maybe because she wanted to be a ghost.
  11. I noticed the Palmer house has a screen door now, the door itself seems the same. The Diner flat front door has changed, it now has windows - it’s has more detailing like Bella’s bedroom door (which differed from the rest) and it seems there’s now a corridor behind the kitchen wall.
  12. The Diner flat has had some more changes. The front door has windows and it seems there’s now a corridor behind the kitchen wall.
  13. Does anyone have the interview with the Summer Bay House set designer? I think it was around the time of the 20th Anniversary.
  14. I was so impressed by Maggie’s professional attitude towards Simone, she showed her contempt, but was restrained in any other emotional reaction.
  15. I was confused as hell with Ben’s big news that there’s a storage area in the Pier flat that was blocked up when the fireplace was put in as the floorplans he showed suggested there’s a room to the left of Colby’s room with an access door before the front door, but there was no sign of a blocked off room behind the fireplace. Not to mention that the flat clearly overhangs the Diner at the front.
  16. I assume from Martha’s comments about the Blaxland that Alf must have owned the boat at some point prior to Snapper McCracken, so then he was buying it back off Don. I presume she also missed the big landscape painting of it in the hall at Summer Bay House.
  17. Does the Caravan Park ever have any short term guests? It just seems to be an overspill residence for regulars. All the villians that would have stayed there previously are staying in the motel these days.
  18. I think Debra’s Pippa was definitely more Mumsy, but then that could be seen as the character’s development, Pippa had become a mother to her own child and then lost her husband, that’s quite a lot to go through physically & emotionally. Personally, if I were a foster children who had never had that safe, loving environment like Fin & Damien, I’d want Debra’s Pippa, but if I were someone who’d had loving parents who’d died like Steven or Sally coming into that environment, I’d want Vanessa’s Pippa, as you’d be less receptive towards a new mother.
  19. I’m not entirely sure what that would be for Marilyn as being single would just be another 39+ female which is a role Leah, Roo & Irene fill also. I think the show is scared to get rid of any of them. John would just be the same character, but actually he’s really just Alf 20 years ago.
  20. Nice use of the Summer Bay House set today, not only seeing upstairs but a scene shot from inside the pantry, I can’t remember the last time we had that. They also seemed to confirm that Alf has the attic room as there was a sound of him coming down some stairs to Roo on the first floor landing.
  21. Marilyn used the burger phone today!!
  22. Friday’s 5* Episode oddly went into the Australian combined promo/grey credit bar format for the promo and then played the International closing credits. I wonder if the same will happen on Channel 5 on Monday.
  23. Thanks for that, bless her! I just read some of the interviews she gave on it, it must have been really hard for her to film the scenes in the sinkhole set with all the bending etc...
  24. Roo is off again? She’s only just come back! Is Georgie Parker doing a lot of other work?
  25. I could understand the locations being restricted to just the immediate Palm Beach area because we now have the Farmhouse AND the Summer Bay House/Caravan Park location (with the garage), but if we’re not seeing those so often (or the less oft seen Palmer & Morgan houses) that doesn’t make a great deal of sense unless the random scheduling means the budget is less because of reduced advertising revenue or something. From then recent UK episodes though, I’d say even the main beach scenes were limited, there’s been more at the Pier or outside the Surf Club, the beach scenes have been limited to the spot closest to the club.
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