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  1. Hello! I hope you are well! And yes thank you. I am enjoying university so much. Everyone is so lovely. I'm mostly on the Mansion Site for my learning but everyone is so nice and helpful. As for my journey, I was on time luckily because the other bus drops me right off outside the university. Hope you're okay. Xx

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  2. Ahhhhhhh they are just absolutely perfect thank you so much and such a huge choice as well. I'm so lucky I can't choose! Haha! I think I'll alternate, thank you so much I adore the one of Rachel and Harry as well, the lighting is just beautiful! And the ones by Jack's grave to; I love the different contrasts. Thank you so much Zetti
  3. Can any of you beautiful people do me an avatar? I'd love to update my one to include Harry in it so wondered if any of you would be able to do me one from Tachel's last episode when Tony agrees to go to America and they kiss and Harry's looking at them? I'd be most grateful Ariana-tithe - those avs are just stunning! The colouring is beautiful and if I could bear to part from Tachel I would definetely have loved to steal one
  4. I agree with you Red; I find them really uncomfortable to watch. I just can't get used to them both together.
  5. Hey Laura! Ive been meaning to clear up some space in my PM inbox for a while lol, I've made some space so you can now message me about whatever it is you wanted to ask me about :) xx

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  6. Hi Kevin!

    Couldn't email you because your PM box is full, there was something I wanted to ask you. Could you contact me pretty please? Hehe x

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  7. Aww Carina, you're so lovely thank you so much. And callyha that's really sweet. Trust me you're a brilliant writer though, it's easier to criticise your own work and you usually find faults where no-one else reading it does. Sabrina and Red Ranger to thank you so much for your comments, I wasn't sure whether to post it but I'm glad I did now just to know a few people enjoyed it. I did wonder if people might not read it because they thought it was the same as the contest RR1, perhaps I should have made a note in the title but I'm glad you all read and enjoyed so thank you so much
  8. Thank you so so much Carina, your reply really made me smile You're so so king thank you so much. Without your comments it would have been very lonely in here! The word count definetely wasn't enough but I think a part of me feels it worked better as a one shot without them finding him. However I love Tachel too much to do that to them Thank you again! xxx
  9. That's just stunning colouring Jen! You've really adapted the lighting to suit the mood of the av - they're all beautiful!
  10. Carina that was such a beautiful story, I'm so please you've posted this as a one shot, hopefully you'll get the good comments you deserve for it! It was so nice to see how different things could have been if Belle didn't have cancer in the show. I loved how you didn't make it a strictly gushy happily ever after, fairytale sort of happiness but spoke about the difficulties they could have gone through with Belle's past drug misuse and her miscarriage. It was so sad but sensitively portrayed and the ending with a hint of hope was a really bittersweet way to conclude your story. Aden was so lovely, I love the way you wrote him supporting Belle and went through the different time phases. Beautiful Really well done! xxx
  11. Thanks for the comment I'll send you the link for it when it's all done, it's going to included a pictorial 'story of Tachel' so will help fill in the gaps for everything you've missed. It's lovely to see new Tony&Rachel fans The fish episode is episode 4914...it's very cute! Enjoy
  12. Hi all Tachel fans! Thank you all for your contributions towards the Tachel features, there's loads of brilliant stuff that's been sent over. I'm going to start putting this together and getting the wheels into motion now so this is a last message for those who'd like to contribute either with new material or if they've written Tachel fanfics, made Tachel artwork or created Tachel music videos etc in the past then please send me the link so I can collect it into one place. You will of course all be credited! I do miss our Tachel chats, even those who weren't fans! Thank you all for your reasonings as well and top 5 moments etc, it will all be used in the feature
  13. Woowie they're so so beautiful Barbara! Sorry it's taken me so long to comment but all of your icons are just amazing! The cropping is fantastic and I love how you've merged two pictures together so flawlessly. And can I also give a special mention to the av you did for QA, it's just.......perfect So beautiful, the colouring is so warm and vibrant and the crop and cap is just beautiful
  14. Oh wow Kirsty! That was in incredible end to an absolutely amazing story...I'm so sad it's over Where to start? I loved how you left a bit of a gap in time and filled in the gaps with flashbacks. It added more depth to the story as we still learnt everything that had happened but there was no waffle and it left me constantly wondering what had happened with Emily and how Michael was coping. One of the most brilliant things I think you did was the portrayal of Tony and Rachel's relationship. The way you've written it you can tell how much their relationship has developed, how much Rachel trusts and leans upon Tony and when contrasting it with her relationship with Mark at the beginning of the story Rachel's like a completely different person. I don't know how you did it but well done for that! I loved the way you wrote tiny details such as Rachel's anguish over what to wear. She couldn't wear black because it wasn't what Emily wanted but she couldn't wear something outrageous because in her grief it didn't seem right..that was a really sensitive minute detail which added a lot of depth to Rachel's character and how she's coping with losing Emily. I love how you've shown how close they became in her final days. It's great for both of them that they had each other to lean on and very natural I think; they're the only people who understand exactly what each other went through and as much as I'm sure Tony and Michael tried their best to support them it wouldn't be the same as having each other. As devastating as it is for Rachel as I think she felt like she let Emily down I think it was a good thing that she wasn't there when Emily passed away; it was right that Michael was by her side and I'm sure Rachel would have found herself feeling really helpless being the person she is. You put in a really interesting perspective from Tony which although only a line held so much impact for the way he was coping with watching Rachel go through. It seems he was concerned about how close Rachel and Emily had become and I think it's understandable he would feel like that; hopefully Rachel can move on now and know that Emily got to do everything she wanted to before she passed away. Really good little snippet from Dan/Leah. It's sad he's spent all of that time worrying when he should have just been honest in the first place - it was nice how they resolved it though and I guess seeing what Emily's had to go through recently and Rachel it put everything into perspective for them. I loved the ending, it was really happy and hopeful and I loved how you left it open for people to decide what happened next but still tied up loose ends. I'm so excited for Rachel and Tony, they truly do deserve all the happiness and it's lovely they found each other. Loved Tony's reaction to the idea of Rachel being pregnant Beautiful end to a beautiful story; can't wait to read anymore you have planned in the future!
  15. Aww that was such a happy, lovely chapter. It's so great that Mark has been convicted for what he did to Rachel and Emily - it was so brave of Emily for what she did. Risking her life like that and standing up in court especially considering what she's going through. I adored the Leah/Rachel scene and just the general lightheartedness; how they're just being girly and having fun and Leah's teasing her about Tony It's sweet that Tony's being patient with her and taking things slowly as well although it looks like that's about to end going by the last scene It's so lovely to see how Rachel finally feels that she can move on with her life now and put everything that Mark did to her behind her, with the support of Tony. It was lovely to just see them mucking about and seeing Rachel so carefree and relaxed. It's such a change to how she was at the beginning. I loved the line of Tony teasing her about eating so much as well! And how she managed to make him quickly regret saying it! Such a beautiful chapter I absolutely cannot wait for the next one!
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