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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away

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  • Location
    Newcastle NSW Australia
  • Interests
    Spending time with my family, friends and my boyfriend. Walking and Jogging with my Mini Foxy, Riley. Ten pin bowling, reading, watching Home and Away and Neighbours. Going out on the town and dancing, going to the movies and the usual really.

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  1. Wet and chilly and a pain in the bum. My poor dog is desperate for his daily walk, but it keeps raining non stop.
  2. The last movie I watched was the new version of King Kong. I thought It was going to be crappy, but it was actually pretty good. Some bits looked really fake, but It's not exactly easy to make a movie with an Ape fighting with a Dinosaur. The other movies I saw (cause we had a mini movie marathon) were Kicking and Screaming, Perfect catch (which I now called perfect crap, cause it was) and some other movie where Reese Witherspoon plays a ghost and she doesn't know she is dead (Just like Heaven) I think it was.
  3. Newcastle NSW, And yes Daniel Johns is from here. I remember in one interview, Daniel John's told the people of Newcastle to go ( Naughty work starting with F themselves). Then got forced to say sorry . I still have all of Silverchairs CD's though
  4. The weather has been freezing . I am in Newcastle and it's been around 10-15 degree's. You got to love getting out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the loo NOT . Or that "fresh" feeling you get when you have just got out of the shower Brrrr , Please summer come back, pretty soon I am going to migrate to warmer waters hehe
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