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Everything posted by martha-jack

  1. Okies thanks for that
  2. Thanks for this Dean
  3. These are all great Jen, considering im not the biggest fan of Adelle the av's are beautiful.
  4. what episode is that?? i'm not sure i've seen it!
  5. Yer i don't think it has ever just been them two, someone else has always lived their with them.
  6. I love the one of Hayley and the one of Martha's wedding the text and colouring is perfect.
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  8. Don't they just make you laugh at how pathetic they can be
  9. Mines just stopped finally, i just hope i don't see it again for a while or even forever
  10. ^^ Why do some people have to be so pathetic making stupid posts like that! EDIT: Thanks by the way Dan and we know its not your fault
  11. Mee too its really bugging me now as it randomly keeps popping up unexpectedly!!
  12. Oh yer, i remember that
  13. Is Martha, Jack, Lucas and Ric the only cast members to have gotten naked?? i can't seem to recall any others.
  14. I think in reality Paul and Jodi would make the hottest couple They do seem really close and i even remember in an interview somewhere Jodi saying she will miss Paul the most out of all the cast, how cute!!
  15. The colouring and the text is so beautiful on these Poor Martha
  16. I just have to say, I absolutely love this fic Please update soon
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  18. Hey thanks for the latest updates
  19. ^^her hair will grow in time but as someone else said, it makes it more realistic for her to have short hair at this stage as she can't have no hair one day and long her the next, Its interesting to see a different style though although isn't her hair black
  20. The colouring on them is beautiful
  21. Thabks for all the updates
  22. It's so frustrating that everyone is saying he's not coming back and the site and even Paul himself says something to give us that bit of hope and it just messes our minds up
  23. :o I completely forgot, Happy Birthday(even tho its a bit late :P) glad u had a good day.
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  24. goog good, went the cinema's with a few friends, u do much?

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