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Everything posted by martha-jack

  1. yer it was actually very good thanks, how about yours :)

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  2. heyy, im stressed, stupid coursework lol how about u?

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  3. Thanks for all the updates
  4. yer i was sure they just forgot about her, i mean if i had a twin i would want something to do with them, its just not that realistic if you just forget about them is it?
  5. I really wish they would have some scenes together and im loving her grieve for Jack a bit more lately especially in the hospital when she hugged his pic which brings to my point, i know its stupid and all but i was kind of horrified when i saw on her hospital bed Martha MacKenzie, i was dissapointed that she is being credited as Martha MacKenzie but when i saw that i was really upset, why isn't she credited as Holden like she use to be???
  6. hey, i've never spoke to you before but couldn't believe when i read your profile that you was from merseyside and now your in australia, i live in merseyside and it just put a smile on my face that you have done all the things i only dream to do :)

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  7. I remember someone saying Rory was his name but it was Rory Deeks, but im not to sure he might of but he may not have need his name changed because as far as Shane would have new Sam Tolhurst was some just some random woman with a kid called Rory Tolhurst. If im wrong im not sure. does anyone know what happened to Kirsty's real twin sister?
  8. wow, these are seriously amazing i especially love the ones of Martha and Nurse Julie
  9. Happy Birthday, hope all goes well :)

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  10. Well its officially been confirmed now sadly
  11. Heyy, we havn't really spoke but i thought i would say Happy Birthday :)

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  12. It doens't matter about dates, thanks a lot for doing this though
  13. heyy, i havn't spoke to you before but i thought i would just say hi and i think your new site is great :)

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  14. the ones of Freya are really really good and i love the alf one
  15. ^^ yer i agree, it was beautiful seeing them scenes and as long as they remain just friends then i'll be happy as i like there friendship now
  16. aww sounds great :) i have ages until my birthday :( hehe.

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  17. these are wonderful in the last batch my favourites the ones of miles and the ones of mattie.
  18. aww cool well I hope it all goes well and you have a great day :) will you be doing anything special

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  19. nothing really just downloaded every episode of last weeks h&a hehe how sad :P what about you

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  20. i completely hope Martha does not get with Roman now, im really really really missing Jack and want him back in Martha's arms although i have been saying she needs to move on, i am completely against it being with Roman now after the past week, i just want Martha to be single for a while, i don't no who she could be with, i did like the idea of Hugo being with her but i really like their friendship too much without any feelings.
  21. one word to sum this guy up is --> amazing he is just the kind of teen that should be brought into H&A right now as because not only has he had a troubled background history but we got to see what it was like for him on the streets a little bit which no other teen has really got, the others just came to the bay and then we find out their history but with Archie we got to experience seeing some of it and it was really great i think
  22. amazing chapter, love how martha misses jack I wonder what her secret is though
  23. Pheww!! i also thought you killed of Rachel the suspence was killing me until he said it was the baby Loving it still, update soon
  24. just read the last update and loved it, I'm curious to see who that was in the back yard and poor martha and rachel
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