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Everything posted by martha-jack

  1. yer i guess so and sometimes its even longer in 'soap world' than the 'real world' so i guess that makes it sound a bit better, it's just how amazing Jack and Martha were together i think it would be a bit of an insult to his memory to have her going into a relationship straight away unless he comes back as a ghost telling her to move on and she ends up with Roman.
  2. I think Hugo is a great character, he is true to his word as proven in tonights episode which is a good start for him and i like how he is being a bit strict with Xavier and hope he puts him in his place one day soon
  3. I know, that's what i am afraid of, they move too many charachtors on too soon when there beloved pass away and i hope they do not do it with Martha or i will just be darn peed off
  4. me too, i actually want them back together eventually *hides*, but over a year or so as i say, i want Martha alone till then to grieve
  5. your asking a bit much, this is Home and Away although i do think these too need a bit of a chance to breathe and focus on being a couple not just having other things to worry about in their young lives.
  6. Okay maybe Roman isnt looking to 'bed' her straight away but it is obvious that he will want to get back together with her one day. It seems like he is there in the hope that they will be more than friends one day because he is pretty much always with Martha or asking how she is or doing something for her. I like Martha and Charlies friendship too, and she is also close with Rachel which i like. yer i do agree that he will want to try and get back together with her eventually and it may seem as though he is 'worming his way in' but i do think that at the minute he is just trying to get her back on her own two feet before he even attempts anything (which i hope he doesn't anytime in the near futer)
  7. hey thanks for those
  8. your not wrong their
  9. i do'nt think that's true, it would totally be out of charactor if Roman was only doing all this just to get her into bed, not to mention sick i think he genuily is trying to be there for her, i have to admit it is getting a bit anoying that he is there all the time as i would like the writers to give Martha a new female best friend again, i'm liking her and Charlie's friendship at the moment or it would be nice to see Martha and Leah interact more seeing as though Leah will no what she is going through.
  10. I actually thought the food fight was funny, but i guess that's just me and what made it funnier was that i think it was suppose to be serious as no one was really laughing except for Nicole's smirk when she was on the floor and Roman came in and when Geoff was getting abused by the food and didn't do nothing i was still laughing
  11. I am just praying that nothing goes wrong with Tachel's baby and that Tony learns to love it just as much as Jack.
  12. me too it will not be the same without Jack Holden there
  13. well in respect of Jack(and Paul for that matter) the writers better not put Martha in any relationship anytime soon or i will be really dissapointed. I want to see how her and Tony cope with this situation.
  14. ok it was obvious that Martha and Jack were 'meant to be' and even i don't think she will love anyone as much as she loved Jack, but she can love again and although i DO NOT want it to be anytime soon i would eventuallu like Martha to be happy and move on and i'm sure over the next few months the writers will bring her and Roman closer together and eventually form a relationship and i will be happy for her, if i did have my way Jack and Martha would still be together forever and ever but lets face it hes dead.
  15. i love all of them, the ones of Roman are amazing.
  16. The cropping and colouring of the Mattie ones are superb
  17. i am not really a fan of Xavier, it's interesting to see what he is going through with lieing to hi mum and all but i just find him really irritating, something about him really annoys me.
  18. I can't believe i havn't read this fic, it's so amazing as we don't get many JnM fics no more
  19. Being honest i found Charlie really irritating when she first arrive i didn't really like her but then i kind of warmed up to her and this year i have completely fell in love with her i think Esther has been doing amazing work at her charactor because i'm loving Charlie now.
  20. Thanks for the 2008 review it was great
  21. nah i couldn't sign on but ill go on tonight

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  22. just going to watch yesterdays ep of H&A missed it
  23. im great thanks how about you
  24. hey, you ok havn't spoke to you since the Make some friends thread was closed

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  25. heyy guyss, havn't spoke to you since the Make some friends thread was closed, how have yous been
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