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  1. Thanks Dan. Bit of a disappointment, really, isn't it? I'm with Light of the Bay on this one. Think I'll give them a miss...except maybe the Charlie vision ep.
  2. Do we know which eps are on during Brax week? (Only one I'm really interested in, lol.)
  3. He said it was going to take a year! I don't know what's going to happen with Tony except that , but it had better be good. They've dragged it out for so long and stretched our suspension of disbelief to breaking point (Maria falling for the guy who basically admitted to her that he'd killed her husband?!), so they owe us a really good pay-off. I'm guessing it will all happen at Christmas?
  4. It's a technicality, but Trina wasn't murdered. She fell and Lucas refused to help her, then covered up the fact that he'd been there.
  5. claire_louise


  6. I really want Archie to kill Janine! I agree with you that Bianca and Ricky have been a good addition (particularly with the kids) but Janine is boring me. She was brilliant before but it's got to the point where they're just rehashing her old storylines over and over again. I like that idea. Maybe it will finally cause the stars to fall from Zainab's eyes where Syed's concerned? Although I'd bet money that Masood will embark on a full-blown affair with Jane as a result, which is too predictable IMO.
  7. Really? I'm the complete opposite - I would have said that it can't possibly get any worse, so bring on the new guy! Aside from the occasional interesting storyline/character I think the show has gone downhill massively over the last few years.
  8. claire_louise


    I think she'll have to in the end, but even if she comes clean with David there's still the matter of the money she stole. Nathan could easily go to the police about that and also about the car accident (there would be no way of proving that he was over the limit now, he could just say that she was trying to protect him and he felt guilty about it and decided to confess). I think maybe he'll end up doing something stupid though, like assaulting her, and then she'll have something on him too. He seems to lose control when he's angry, which could be his downfall in the end.
  9. That's exactly what everyone else is thinking - everyone except the writers. It seemed so obviously the right thing to do, and I have real trouble believing that Sam would refuse to return for a couple of episodes if it meant finally wrapping up KK's story properly, but the writers appear to have lost interest in what the viewers genuinely want.
  10. But if she was a slim woman, they wouldn't make her character the way she is. I'd have no problem with it if she was just a loser (awful word, sorry). But the way they constantly refer to her weight makes it the overlying issue, even though it shouldn't really come into it. They constantly go on about it - even Shirley as her supposed best friend is always ridiculing her about her over-eating. It gives such a bad impression of obese people when in reality most of them lead perfectly normal lives.
  11. claire_louise


    They were funny with each other because their parents had an affair, as Maisie explained yesterday. It would be interesting if something happened between them seeing as they don't know they're related but I much prefer Ryan with Katie. Maisie doesn't seem his type - too high maintenance!
  12. I just don't understand why Eastenders is constantly praised for featuring an overweight character, when all they do is make a laughing stock of her. So Heather is fat, so what? So are millions of other people in this country, it's hardly an unusual thing and it doesn't determine every aspect of a person's life. Are we really supposed to believe that the only person she could get to have sex with her is an immature young boy half her age? I think Eastenders should be ashamed of themselves for their ignorance and superficiality.
  13. claire_louise


    The whole Faye/Mark/Natasha thing is ridiculous. The basic premise (ie. Mark having a secret wife) was good, but the character of Faye is so unrealistic that it ruins the whole storyline. This is a woman supposedly in her late forties/early fifties, yet not only does she look ten years younger but she seems to go for men who are at least ten years younger (Mark excepted). Then we're supposed to buy the fact that she's done nothing but pine for her ex husband for twenty seven years?! She's hardly been beaten with the ugly stick, has she? As if she wouldn't have met someone else! And to top it all off she's now willing to forgive Mark without a second thought, despite not hearing a word from him for all that time and having to bring up their son alone? Come on.
  14. I thought it was appalling. As if Eastenders couldn't sink any lower, they go and make the father Darren?! Such bad taste.
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