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Everything posted by -x-Siana-x-

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  3. Rachyyy... *Cries* My Poor Poor Jacky! Bless him! I'm very sorry I have not replied to either of your fics... I have had no time... But I've been coming on to see if you've updated and if you have then I read them, so yeh anyways sorry! THANK YOU for updating! I have been waiting for an update of this for ever Matha will be ok... she's just very out of breath and she just got a bit dizzy!! Well I hope she'll be ok... *Tear* As usual amazing Such beautifully written! Update soon! Siany x
  4. Prom Night (At Cinema) Was Scary
  5. Hello! I am getting very bad at commenting on everyones fics so I thought I'd comment now! Dont you just feel privilidged! Anywhooo... Jackys A Tramp Bless him... I wouldnt tell him to move on if I found him by my bin... In fact I'd let him live there! Martha... Martha Martha Martha! Alec Mathews is not right for you... Just wait until you meet tramp Jacky! More Please Siana x
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  10. Happy Birthday.... Hope you hvae a great day! Brill as usual! Poor Martha and Alf How could Marthas "Dad" say all that to her! I dont like him! Update soon! Happy birthday again! Siana__x
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  15. Hey! I love this fic and the story line! How could Marthas Dad do that to her Her dad needs a slap himself... An he needs to be sent to prison he cant just get away with that! Jack should go and have a big fight with him.... And obviosly Jack would win.... Poor Martha... Jacky will have to be her hero and look after her.... And he'll have to give her lots of kisses and cuddles to make her feel better .... Your not going to follow the whole plot line to Romeo and Juliette are you and kill them both at the end? I might cry if you kill Jacky and Martha... Well espeshily Jack.... Anyways I dont remember if i replied to this one yet but i been reading since you started and I just have not had time to reply to anything recently... Too busy with school work and revision and GCSE's and stuff like that! Stupid school! Yeh Ill shut up now! Update soon please! I Want to know if Martha is alright!!! Siana__x
  16. Yay A Update! Brilliant! Just One Question... Are Mattie Ric Cassie Belle ect... Teens? Like Are They The Real Ages In The Show? If They Are Does That Mean They Cant Be The Ones In The Accident Becasue There Not Old Enough To Drive... Or Is The Law Different Over There? Hmmm... I Dont Know What Im On About.... I Thought it Was Jack And Martha To Begin With But Now I Dont Know... I Dont Know Who It Is... I Confused... Confused In A Good Way Though... Not Because I Dont Understand Whatt Your Writing... Hmmm Im Confusing You Now Right? Im Confusing Myself!!! I'll Shut Up! Brilliant Writing Update Please Soon! I Said You Need To Keep Us Guessing But Now I Wanna Know Who It Is... But I Dont if You Get Me? Yeh No? Ok... Ill Shut Up... Siana__x
  17. Heyyy! Just read this a minute ago! It's brilliant, just like all your others which by the way i have been reading but have ben extreamly busy revising for exams so i havent been able to reply! I love this Keep us guessing and please please please update soon! Siana_x
  18. *Poke...Poke* Can we please have an update please please pleaseeee.... Please? Siana_x
  19. Hey!!! Wow this is brilliant... It's writen so well!!! Wow!!! I want to know what Jackys going to do when he sees Emma!!! Update soon! Pleaseeeeeeeee Siana__x
  20. Heyy!!! Your back... Good..!!! Now we can have lots of updates Hehe!!! Last 2 chapters were fabby! Bless Jacky he'll never give up!!! Yay!!! Pleaseeeeee post some more really soon!!! Update soon! This is brill! Siana__x
  21. Jacky to the rescue Yay! Loved that chapter! ...Awww Jacky! Kims horrid! Oh Well... Still Jack n Martha Jack surely will see sence though now and dump Ranya wont he? Update Sooon!!! Pleaseeeeeee Siana__x
  22. What!!! No!!! Ranya you BITCH!!!! Jacky... Quick you HAVE to help Martha!! Hope she's ok!!! Oh My God... Love this! Please update really soon! Like Now!! Update Please Siana__x
  23. Heyyy I read this just those 2 chapters... There brilliant Kim a jerk! How dare he hurt Martha.... Pleaseeeee post more really soon! Is addictied already! Siana__x
  24. Hey! *Sticks Tounge Out* I just read last 2 chapters... There brilliant as usual! Well done Im really sorry cant write a proper comment i have to go back out for an hour like nowish!!! I'll talk to you soon! Well done... Update soon Siana__X
  25. Rachy!!! Noooo!!! I don't want this to finish!!! Why does it have to finish! *Sad crying face* It was brilliant... I'm like going to start crying in a minute or something! Anyways!!!.... That last chapter... it was sooo cute! They make such a cute couple... but hey we all already knew that! Haha!!! Jacky he's just pure... well.. cuteness Awww I love his looser antics... But hey!!! Jackys no loser!!!! Rachy... quite frankly im shocked at that! YOU called him a loser!!! *Sad Face* :-( Hmmmm Jacky did take a awful long time to make that fire... I'm sure Martha could have done soooo much better!!!! GIRL POWER!!! (Yay) ^^^^ Sombodies head is about to explode Jacky! :-P But I guess something good came out of the last chapter.... So hey Rachy... I finally forgive you for being mean to them both in the other chapters! They're together Everything is romantic Everything is perfect That makes the following equation Together + Romantic + Perfect = JnM Love Awwww!!! :-) Bless Them! And another thing that has really made me extra proud of you was that we you wrote JnM sex... Again... And that always makes me happy Hehe!!! So overall i think we can very safely say..... (Well many things actally... here's a list :-P) 1) Thank you soooo much for writing such a fantastic fic (Even if yo were nasty to Jacky on numerous occasions) 2) Thats another amazing fiction completed and as always the writing was brilliant 3) This was what I looked foward to reading a update of every couple of days... (Yes I know I have no life) i'm really going to miss this one..... I could go on forever... but you know I got this stupid Drama c/w to do *Angryness* How Annoying... But oh well!!! But hey look on the bright sides of things.... At least now you've finished this you wont have to listen to me rambelling on replying (Like im doing now :-P) But anyways Rachy.... THANK YOU For writing such an amazing and entertaining fic It is very appreceated And you're an amazing writer!!! Make sure you tell me as soon as yo write another one Well thats if you do... But you will... wont you!... We both know you will!!! Anyways promise last little bit now... I will really miss this I'm going to cry or something! :-( Siany__x
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