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Everything posted by chari0t

  1. Love the Miles one!
  2. Here it's warm but cloudy. I really should be outside^^
  3. Last movie I watched was parts of Mambo around 5 am this morning.
  4. Love the second Kirsty one!
  5. Just play around. Sooner or later you will find something you like:) Love the last Drelle av:)
  6. Omg Bec! It's wonderful! Thank you so much!
  7. It's okay. I really have no hurry
  8. It's okay take your time. It's better that you do it and taking your time than me doing it
  9. These please if you can:) Thanks!
  10. Love the second one! ^^^^ Now I have a request. Since I am bad at making banners I'll ask if one of you could make a banner of Tony and Rachel. And can it include the proposal scene? Thanks anyway!
  11. Love those! Specially the Emma ones!
  12. Great update! Love the Adelles ones!
  13. Love the 2, 3 and 5th
  14. Love number 2 and 6. But they are all fantastic!
  15. Love the Rachel ones, and the Rachel and Aden ones!
  16. awwwwwwwwwwwww thankyou and yes I dont mind, if you dont want to be spoiled then dont watch lol . . . I also watch the Australian episode so I am already spoiled, or something that way^^ Loved the videos! Those are beautiful!
  17. Will watch the videos after I have watched todays episode of HAA on Norwegian tv:P (we are only on epi 4216 today:/) But I am sure they are perfect! BTW; I love the cropping on the first Olli av!
  18. My favorites is 6,8 and 13 Love them!
  19. Aaah. Geoff with bare chest, god I love that! Great avs Barbara
  20. I thought I'd give it a go, not the best work, but at least I tried
  21. Love this one!
  22. CHARMED! My favorite show off all time:D Okay, HAA and Charmed share that place They are lovely!
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