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Everything posted by chari0t

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  4. The coloring is perfect in the Matilda and the Sam one.....!
  5. I have spent 2 1/2 days reading this fic and I must say, it's amazing! You made me cry,laugh and smile so many times and I don't think I have ever cried over a book before. You should very proud of your self Laura!
  6. Amazing story! Just been reading through 15 chapters. Tears have been rolling down my cheeks. Hope for an update pretty soon;) You've got an amazing talent!
  7. loved the annie/lucas one
  8. Amy! Their amazing! Thank you soo much! I'm very grate full.. Is it okay if I save them and maybe use them for later? I will credit you
  9. Thaank youuu!
  10. Amy; I have laid out some caps of Tony and Rachel from episode 4595 on a piczo site a made because I don't know how to upload it on BTTB I uploaded it on www.homeandawaycaps.piczo.com I will upload some other caps.. I will be very greatfull if you can make a few tony&rachel ave
  11. chari0t, I'm having real trouble finding Rachel and Tony caps. Do you have some already that you could post for me? I dont really know what caps are :$ But its okay.. I just thought it would be very sweet to have an ave of them. But if you cant find any caps (what ever that is) you donæt have to make it
  12. Thanks:D:D *jumping up and down*
  13. All of your work is stunning Amy. But is it possible for to mak an ave with Tony and Rachel when they were kissing in the episode were the others found out that Dan was dead? They were so cute in that episode.. But I totally understand if you can't make an ave
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