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Everything posted by bijou

  1. I would have liked to have seen her interact with Kyle's mum (although someone said she died when Kyle was young) or someone close to him when he lived in Melbourne
  2. they used to mix years 10's and 11's together in some subjects when I was in school but not year 12's
  3. I think Tamara is around 18/19 when she started school at the start of the year she said that she felt she didn't fit in because they were all younger than her.
  4. I think (but could be wrong) Westaway once said that Kyle's birth mother was an a violent alcoholic who beat him leading him to be placed in numerous foster homes before finally being fostered into a family that cared.
  5. So much for her speech "I'm here because I love Casey" then.
  6. He's the only Braxton I like right now, I guess another character Tamara is going to ruin.
  7. Get rid of Tamara, she the most annoying character ever.
  8. I like the fact that Natalie doesn't let Brax's walk all over her unlike Charlie.
  9. I actually like Jett i think he is portrayed accurately and the character is far more interesting than any of the Braxtons.
  10. i completely diagree i blame Indi, she's done nothing but complain and tried to make Romeo out to look like the bad guy and then wonders why he keeps things from her and she's all about money. And also doesn't mind hoppong into bed with other guys espicially after the way she carried on about Romeo and Ruby sharing a hotel room
  11. Heath is just annoying and gthe actor is really bad at playing a bad boy, sorry and Dancing With The Stars did him no favors. He thinks it's cool to act like a child all the time, this is just my opinion but he's brought nothing positive to the show at all.
  12. Don't compare Casey to Rocco. Rocco was was a way better character and Ian Meadows was a way better actor.
  13. She reminds me alot of Belle for some readon. I hope she sticks around for longer.
  14. Has anyone else noticed Romeo and Nicole have a lot of chemistry? Anyway I thought I would just start a discussion thread. I so hope they become a couple.
  15. LIKIN' THIS Wish Romeo and Nicole were a real couple. Keep goin'
  16. I think Romeo and Nicole would make a great couple
  17. i actually don't mind Jai. I didn't really like him to begin with but he's grown on me. I like the way he's sweet to Annie, Miles and Kirsty. People say he's boring, that's not his fault the writters never write him a good storyline. It's actually about time they did.
  18. Gotta admit, she way better than Trey or Matthew Lyons who were trying to be bad guys but were just annoying.
  19. i like Ruby but i don't think Xavier deseves her she was much better off with Pat (they should've stayed together)
  20. i really like this girl, although there hasn't been much on her she seem very sneaky
  21. This has made me very happy! Can't wait for this. How can he start a relationship with Joey when she is GAY? Yeah, I didn't really get it either. i think it was just made up before it was revealed the Joey was gay
  22. yeah i love his bed hair too
  23. love that look too. But the blood dot on his nose gets annoying to look at, it's kinda like Belle's mole. and if you got kicked in the face there'd be a hell of a lot more blood than that. Believe me, been there done that.
  24. what X - Men names is that?
  25. here are some clips of Archie and one of Tim Phillips playing Fox on Neighbours
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