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Jay Preston

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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away, The Bold and the Beautiful

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    Reading, writing and watching television

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  1. Thank you Emma B. Usually I don't have much time for writing, but when I do, I really make sure it's something special. Not only did I get all the regular characters exactly right, I think I was also able to get into the mind of a terrifying, gollifying serial killer. And I can't go past a good twist. But why stick with one? The best plots are the ones with dozens of twists, because they always make perfect sense, just like my story.
  2. You're both wrong. The dangerous stranger is infact in the middle of the political spectrum. A fence sitter. A diplomat. Pure evil, but less boring than your average moderate thinker. Who said all mass murderers need to be extremists? I'm all about pushing the boundaries and breaking stereotypes.
  3. That my dear, was perfection. Yes, I should be a script writer. As you can probably tell plot and character come very naturally to me.
  4. Promo for "Oh my Golly!!!" Part 4 Someone will die. Someone else will die. Ric will reveal who the dangerous stranger is. But will anyone hear? Who will be the next to die? There are still several candidates... And who is the dangerous stranger? Is it really a stranger? Or someone who wants us to believe that they are a stranger. A dangerous stranger that is. Disclaimer: No praise-filled responses will mean that this fic ends here... Validation. Now.
  5. My apologies So when the next update happening? Any spoilers on what's coming up? I'm *desperate* to know.
  6. What's the point? A bit of cheeky fun.
  7. That's a bit controversial Francesca. I suggest that as a moderator you should try to be more moderate. You're here to fix grammar, not to share extreme opinions.
  8. I keep wanting to watch the news with Chris Bath, but I keep forgetting it's on. I don't know why. Just so busy.
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