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Everything posted by gazzalovesu

  1. I think you're forgetting one thing, she's a regular now. For a Year anyway All of the things she says sounds like she is dying But i hope she isnt because i love her
  2. I kinda get the feeling that Marilyn is dying for some reason
  3. People wanted Geoden way before Adelle ever got together
  4. Thanks in advance all!! :) Persojally I would think there's no harm in writing as it doesn't break the bank & there's always a possibility of response. They can pass it on to her I know that The Actor that plays Miles is Christie's husbonds best friend but try it or maybe send her a messege on facebook idk People has said that she talks back to you in messeges but she doesnt add you
  5. Geoff was the most nonbelieveable religious person ever
  6. Toot Toot Toot hahahahhaha love the pic Whenever i see those to together now i laugh like a school kid lol
  7. I think Todd & Linc would be actually up for the storyline actually. and I think Gaden would be so popular like really popular all you have to do is look at the popularity of gay couples on TV shows , gay male couples in particular. They have the biggest fanbases around , just look at JP and Craig from Hollyoaks , I haven't seen a bigger fanbase than theirs. Charlie & Joey we're also really popular as well as we're Callie & Erica from Greys Anatomy. Home & Away are always talking about how they tackle controversial subjects , yet there scared to do a proper gay relationship storyline I think they should just forget about what kind of reactions they get from the god squad and do it anyway , because it really has to be done. I think Gaden would be so so so cute And you can so tell that Geoff wants him lol
  8. Good times good times hahahah
  9. Its ok she will get help from Leah And Martha is alittle bit nutty now anyway (everyone should leave the evil bay) Id rather Jack & alive than Martha But way too many deaths this year there better not be another death for like 5 years
  10. Thank god i just hope Martha goes down with him and i will be happy EVIL LAUGH
  11. I hope not talk about boring like bring a book But she is Gina is not boring. She is a wonderful,caring,amazing person who has had to cope raising a disabled child on there own. But still boring to me
  12. I hope not talk about boring like bring a book But she is
  13. Does everyone in it know about Stacey Slater's Bipolar? Or is everyone ever so clueless lol
  14. Im the same Lilly-G There is something i hate about her but i dont know what? Maybe its that i think that we dont need any more older people on the show because you never see Colleen, Alf and some of the older ones soo much
  15. Rachel should be happy she got her kid back and now she is like stealing the kid from Tony. She never lets him around her or the baby. Tony should stick up for himself even if all he wanted was to have good sexy times. Because wasn't Rachel on the outside of Tony after Jack died and she went on about it for ages so she would know what it fells like same with Tony. I know losing a baby is bad but come on its back, safe. be happy its not like he is dead. I just hope she gets better But I kinda like Rachel with the new guy hook up
  16. I did another story but it got took off because it was about Tachel but lucky i saved it on another website hahahah

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  17. After seeing him nude in a movie and that tv show there is nothing Mysterious about him
  18. Whats lying got to do with anything and yes she has told a lie heaps of times And if you kill of all the people who lie and cheat no one will be left in it
  19. Well it is everywhere not just on Margo every character gets hated on just look back on the whole Tachel vs Adelle vs Tachel drama
  20. Martha and Hugo will NEVER EVER have what Jack & Martha had!! I agree, JM forever, but I do like the Martha/Hugo pairing. It seems new and interesting. Besides, on HAA mostly everyone moves on after they've lost someone, so I'm glad it's Hugo - not some random who has no connection to anybody in the Bay whatsoever. I'm looking forward to what they bring . I cant stand Martha and Hugo He is better on his own but Martha brings him down Kill her off please
  21. Oh yeah i miss Jack if only it was the other way around & Martha died and Jack got with......?
  22. Ghost Belle should come and give him a wake up call
  23. I agree Steph! Hugo just bores me to death , and this stupid abalone thing/mystery storyline only makes me want to die of boredom. I do think that Martha may have moved on quickly enough but I wouldn't say "way too quickly". It was good to see that Martha didn't revert to her old ways and just jump into bed with anyone , it really reflected how much she had changed and grown since she married Jack for the 2nd time. She agonized over and battled her feelings for Hugo for months which was nice to see. I did initially dislike the Martha/Hugo pairing but ever since the bus bomb explosion thing I have started to find them "OK" as in I won't be shouting across the forum how much I love them just yet Also I really really really think Hugo is gona end up hurting Martha (not physically) over his involvement with this mystery storyline, whether it be his death or his behaviour to come with the mystery being revealed. I hope that Hugo didnt kill Jack just for the reason Martha will cry for ages screaming my lover killed my other lover and she will nbe how i feel about Leah boring
  24. What episode was Kane's last one?
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