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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away

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    Somerset, England
  • Interests
    Drama, Socialising, History, Working with children, Home and Away!

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Member (7/12)



  1. briliant Charmed! Update soon please!!! xx
  2. loved it Charmed, and im sad that this is nearing the end of this fic, but looking forward to the next one!
  3. Loved it! Love this fic! Keep up the great work!!
  4. Charmed this is fantastic!! Im starting to hope that one of the home and away writers is reading this...or would that be too sad?! I cant wait for the next update!
  5. Kirssty this is fantastic! It just gets better and better everytime I read it! please update soon!!
  6. Loved it Charmed you really are nailing this! Update soon please! xx
  7. Im sorry I havnt written before but I've been folllowing this fan fic every step of the way and I LOVE it! You really have an amaizng talent, not only is it a grreat story but its written so beautifully!
  8. I loooooove it! Kirsty your writing truely is amazing!!!!
  9. Kirsty - this story really is amazing - you have a talent! I know I havn't been posting anything lately due to having no internet, but when I can I always come straight to the fanfic sction to see if you have updated! Keep up the amazing work, I cant wait to see what happens next!
  10. Kirsty this story is amazing! So beautifully told, and it all seems so perfect! Thankyou!
  11. Charlotte!! How are you? How was Morocco? Lol!! Missed you at the boards!! Get posting hehe!! xxxxx

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