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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Reading novels, Home and Away, The Corrs music

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  1. She's a welcome addition to the show, a girl thats got problems and haven't been totally revealed yet. Geoff and her already have way better chemistry then Geoff/Nicole ever had. I hope she stays on the show for a long time. Totally different personalities obviously but she's got Tasha's look.
  2. I have no idea why they broke up, it was a really good storyline to see how Roman could fit in Leah's life. I hope they get back together in the future.
  3. You are always more than wlcome for all the uploads for Home And Away.

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  4. Shooter Really surprised at how good it was....people who love conspiracies, guns, assasinations will love it.
  5. The Bourne Ultimatum........probably the best movie of the year so far. One hell of a pace in storytelling and the fight scenes are incredible.
  6. The Recruit, not mind-blowing but a very well done movie.
  7. Enemy at the Gates Great movie with good performance from Jude Law.
  8. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Great movie, one big thrill ride. A true summer classic movie here in North America. Breaking box-office records over here.
  9. Toronto, Canada.....Feels like a heat wave here.....which is probably nothing to some other countries....thank you global warming.
  10. Proof Gwyneth Paltrow gives a really good performance, first movie I have seen with her as a lead.
  11. Pride and Prejudice, I can see now how Keira Knightley got an Oscar nomination, really good performance from her.
  12. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The movie was good, but the guy who edited the movie should be fired, every scene is cut like a child.
  13. Toronto, Ontario, Canada EXTREME WEATHER HERE, One day it is raining cats and dogs, the next day a snowstorm hits, and two days later its a bright sunny day like you were on a beach. Thank you Global Warming
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