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  1. Oh no! Can't believe this is nearly finnished. I love this story and I think I'm going to have Beau withdrawal symptons Wonder what they are up to. Maybe Aden and Belle get married again because they didn't gett married with their friends and family last time? Whatever it is I'm sure it will be awesome! Can't wait to read the last chapter but sad that it'd be over
  2. Loving this Fic!!! Beau just has to be the cutest kid eva That chapter was great and the way you wrote Belle in that chapter was spot on and very well done. Please make Aden ok so they can quickly be a happy family again!
  3. Absolutely love this fan fic! Great idea and so many unanswered questions. Poor Belle it must be horrible reliving all that pain again Great fic
  4. Aww thankyou everyone for reading this and thankyou so much for the beautiful comments!! I'm really chuffed so thankyou I'm writting one long fic at the moment called The journey back to Life. I might wirte another couple of one shots here and there, hopefully happier ones! Probably just going to keep this as a one shot but you never know I might come back to it one day and continue on with it. Thanks again for all the great comments and feedback, Niara
  5. Aww thanks for the comment and yeah your fic is one I really enjoy! There are so many NEW fics out there at the moment and I read yours and I really liked it! by the way my name is Steph :)

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  6. Awww I'm glad they ended happily ever after! I loved this one shot cough cough story. It was GREAT!!! And they had a baby boy awww
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