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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away. Duh.

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    Oh, you know. Over there. >_>
  • Interests
    My interests are currently art and landscapes, but I do prefer drawing/painting animals, my favourites being big cats, wolves, and arctic creatures, such as arctic foxes or seals. I also like to write, mostly fan fictions based off of shows I like. ;D

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D. Also Black Knight a little while back. The recent movies have rocked, I wanna see Space Chimps.
  3. Yeah, I kinda missed John's character, what with his smoke-pipe and stuff XD It's good to see that he's back, hopefully he'll make more appearances if he can in future.
  4. Alien VS Predator: Requiem. One word, well, sort of; W00t.
  5. Stephy, that's not much to be happy about. o.o It was blazing today, woke up and felt like I was in a sauna, lol. It's still actually quite warm outside right now, but just a bit more cold.
  6. Awesome + Awesome = ....AWESOME. I DEMAND A PREQUEL... pwease?
  7. Black X-Mas. Made me cringe, beginning to end. Very graphic. XD
  8. Ooh, lovin' it so far! You've wrote the character's personalities quite well! Shame there's only two chapters. *waits for update*
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