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Everything posted by pollymoon

  1. I had actually missed out on your june update too and now I have had 2 great reads, but you have just left me wanting for more and soon please - what is going on - does George really have it in for Roman. Ella is going to be so mad, more soon please - very soon. xxxxxxxxxx
  2. what a great update - I so love this story - please update again really soon xxx
  3. Great update Tele but you need to do another one really quickly and let us know what is up with Ella - we need her better and quickly - more soon please xxx
  4. Another great part Tele - delighted to see an update - really hope that they can get both Mark and William and this nightmare can be over for all them, update soon please xxxxxxxx
  5. I can't believe that Mark got away again but then again I should have known that it would not be that easy - great story - wrong of me to beg for another part seeing as you gave us 2 so close together but I am going to beg anyway - please please pretty please xxxxxxxx
  6. yes - they got him - now they can lock him up and throw away the key - now all they have to do is sort out William - and hopefully soon, more soon please xxx
  7. hey tele - another great part and as you can see it looks like I can once more reply to your udpates - glad to see that they are eventually going to take care of Mark - looking forward to the next one - more soon please xxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Fab updates Tele - love the entrance that Roman made for Mike and really showed those boys up and I just love Roman and Ella as they are right now - more soon please. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  9. Just catching up on all these updates now Tele and as usual - fab updates - hate when Roman and Ella fight but love when they start to get close again - hope this is the start of better things for them, more soon please. xxx
  10. Oh Fab Tele - love when they are like this - looking forward to more soon xxxxxxx
  11. Another great part tele - love the way that Roman is romancing Ella - great to see them this way - more soon please xxxxxx
  12. Another great part Tele - looks like they may be getting back on track - love this story - can't wait for the next part xxxx
  13. Another great part Tele - but so sad also - hope they can move on from this - more soon please xxxx
  14. Another great part Tele - Roman should have told Ella himself - hope they can sort this out - love reading about the kids when they are small - more soon xxxxxxxxxx
  15. Tele - delighted to see this updated and another great part - so glad that Pete was able to help Ella see that Roman is just protecting her - I hope that Roman can keep himself safe from Mark - more soon please xxxxxxxxxxx
  16. I love this story so thrilled to see an update - hope they can get to Mark before he hurts anyone else - more soon please. xxxxxxxx
  17. Love this story - I agree that ruby needs to move on - while she was wrong to lie to evan about trying for a baby - i think he was also wrong putting pressure on her to have a baby when she kept saying she wasn't ready - he needs to own his part in this too and he hasn't just blaming it all on Ruby - hope this owen is a nice guy - more soon please
  18. what a great part Tele - I really want them to get Mark and soon, no one is safe with him around - I really hope that Roman and Ella can come through this. More soon please xxxx
  19. Another great chapter Tele, even though Ella is cross with Roman, it still made me laugh, hope they can get Mark before he hurts any of them, more soon please xxxxxxxxxx
  20. Oh Tele, what a great part - what an amazing writer you are - don't know where you come up with all these plots but i love them - let's hope now that they can get rid of Mark once and for all - more soon please xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  21. Brilliant part Tele, Glad that they have started talking again, they need to keep doing this, more soon please xxxxxxx
  22. Another great chapter Tele - I really hope that they catch Mark soon, we need Roman back with Ella - love the conversation with Roman and Charlie - more soon please xxxxxxxx
  23. Another great part Tele, so glad that Sophie got to see what Angel was doing - anything could have happened, Roman really playing the part well at the moment - more soon please xxxxx
  24. Hey tele, another great update - love seeing the interaction with all the kids - love Roman and Ella stories, more soon please xxxx
  25. Great update Tele, Great to see Ella doing so well and to see herself and Roman so loved up, more soon please. xxxxxxxxx
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