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Everything posted by xmorrisonsx

  1. I like your thinking Jody! I am going to only believe this now, and not the side of Belle being 'once a cheater, always a cheater'. I can remember when Aden first started working at the diner and i was thinking to myself, oh god he's going to be so annoying and get on my nerves so bad! But then the whole Belle/Aden flirting started and i cant imagine either of them being with different people or not together ever! I hope the drama dies down though, and we can just enjoy their flirtful banter like how they started!
  2. Heyy. Thankyou, I love your fics too!! Well I have only just started reading the first book, bough it at the weekend.

    My friends said they are absolutlely amazing, and I have to agree so far!! I am on chapter 14 at the moment, and I am hoping to finish it at the weekend and buy the next one. Im so excited! I think Im in love with Edward =) x x

  3. Hey. I was looking on my fic, and read your commetn so thought Id have a nosy on your profile. Its says team Edward....have your read Twilght???? Wb x

  4. Omg! I have read your fic since the begining, and this was the perfect ending to it I loved every chapter and I hope you carry on writing more fics cos you are the best! Enjoyed evry minute x x x
  5. Update soon please. Im dying to know what happens. Im checking all the time for the update! Love your fic Read mine? x x x
  6. Please check out my fanfic. Im new to BTTB and am in love with the adelle storyline. Let me know what you think and can you spred the word please? I love your fics and am reading it constantly =) x

  7. I have only just joined BTTB and love it! I am keeping up to date with all your fan fics, and have wrote one of my own. Please can you read it and tell other people about it. It will be much appreciated x x

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