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Everything posted by Solarbaby

  1. If you find that picture and post it I'll love you forever. @___@ I've heard of the picture before but I've never actually seen it. And I saw Perfect Getaway when it came out in theaters. XD It was pretty good. I'm not much for thrillers like that though. I saw Ca$h online about a weekago too. And I loved it! Especially when it seemed the Chris's character seemed like he was starting to like being a bad guy.
  2. I don't know if everyones read this yet or not but this is the Q&A with Jason Smith that was done by Star Points RangerCrew that was posted to jasonsmithonline.net. Link to the actual page at the bottom. What would you say sets Power Rangers apart from other shows you have worked on? Koichi, The explosions, Giant monsters, Zords , Morphers, Power suits and that's only the beginning. What kind of things did you enjoy about acting in the show? I enjoyed everything about Jungle fury. Getting the chance to work with a great bunch of people. Cast, crew, directors, and producers Bruce Kalish, Sally Campbell, and Koichi Sakamoto. The thing is Power Rangers is like nothing else on TV. It's a Live action Sci-fi. I like that stuff. Getting to be a super hero. Living in New Zealand. Heaps. Do you still keep in touch with any of the cast from Home and Away? Yeah I do. Mainly Chris Hemsworth and Isabel Lucas. But I do speak to a bunch of others. I worked on that show for 3 years so you meet a lot of people and make a bunch of friends. Did you have any form of martial arts experience before working on Power Rangers? I had no martial arts experience apart from when I was a kid making up kung fu moves while pretending to be a Power Ranger on the trampoline at home. How would you rank Power Rangers on the list of acting jobs you've had? Number 1. What thoughts ran through your mind when you landed the role of the Red Ranger in Jungle Fury? Jungle Beast - Spirit Unleashed! How did you get the audition and what was the process like? My agent called me up and said "Casting would like to see you for Power Rangers. Are you keen?" I was like for sure! The process was a lot of fun. I just auditioned for Casey. Had a callback a few weeks later with Greg Apps(Casting director), Bruce Kalish (Exec Producer) and Jermaine Turner(Disney Exec). Then Bruce got me in to read for the lead in his new show "Aaron Stone" (which was an awesome Pilot and also a great series). Did you audition for any other role in Jungle Fury? I did a few auditions for Aaron Stone and in the end I got Rangers. Did you do any of your own stunts in the show? Bits and pieces, But it was the Japanese stunties who did most of the work (SHOUT OUT to YUJI). We would usually do the Beginning-Middle-End of the fight sequences. If you got a chance to star in a movie or series similar to Power Rangers, would you do it? Definitely! If you were to be a real Jungle fury Ranger, what would you be your Color and Animal Spirit? Tiger & Red all the way. What do you like to do in your spare time? Morph, listen to music, and all sorts of stuff. Were there any funny moments from the set? Heaps, But mainly having to act with Japanese speaking monsters. That was funny. What was a typical day at the set like? Busy. But everyday was different. Usually get up at around 5-6am, get picked up, go to the Studio or location, and then wardrobe & make up. Quick break then on the Set all day. Go home and sleep. What was your experience with Koichi's Training sessions? Koichi is a machine a real life ninja and a great director. The training session was hectic!! I have never worked out so much than as I had in those 3-4 weeks. Do you really know how to flip pizza dough like your character? We actually did a 2 week pizza making course and at the end of each session we would get to make our own pizzas and take them home for dinner. What was your favorite PRJF episode? Episode 3: "Sigh of the Tiger" and Episode 31 "Path of the Righteous" What was your favorite PRJF scene? In episode 31. The scene with Master Mao in the forest when Casey decides to go to the Dai Shi temple. It�s when the cub became the tiger. That whole sequence was cool. What cast member(s) were are you closest with? Anna Hutchison Are you currently working on any projects? At the moment I am busy with auditions, Working on Music and developing a couple of other projects one with a writer from "Lost". What was it like to be Casey the Jungle fury Red Ranger? Awesome! The thing I liked most was that he wasn't your typical "Red ranger". He was a cub with extraordinary abilities he just didn't know how to control them. Over time he did. He was chosen to be apart of something incredible. Casey was real, He wasn't perfect he just wanted to learn everything, Help others and be the best that he could be. He was Strong, loyal and protective. He had good spirit. Jungle Fury was very much about spirit. In the episode "Dance the Night Away", how long did it take you to learn those dance moves? We started learning the dance moves during Koichi camp so 2-3 weeks. How would you compare the set of PRJF and Home and Away? Ocean bluff and Summer Bay are two very very different places. What was your reaction when you heard there were many older fans of Power Rangers? Well, Power Rangers is a kids series. The show and toys are made for kids. But I think it's really cool that there is an older generation out there that are into it as much as they are. I remember being told to make Casey relatable to young kids so that is the approach I took with Jungle Fury. I am sure the older fans will have there own Interpretation of the Characters & Stories. But each series is also very different. The show has completely changed to how it was in the Mighty Morphin days. I hope that the older fans are ok with that. Do you plan on releasing an album? Yes. Did you have any input on any of the scenes of Jungle fury? No, it was all in the writers hands. If you got a chance to return to Home and Away, would you take it? I really enjoyed my time on Home and Away. If the right storyline and reason for going back was there, I'd do it. If you could change one thing about Robbie, what would it be? Nothing really.. I probably wouldn't have grown him up so quickly. Would you consider yourself more like Casey or Robbie? Casey What was your experience like on LOTS? Loved every minute of LOTS. That show is incredible. I was lucky enough to get the chance to play a great character. Also catch up with the legandary Mark Beesley who directed us on Rangers(1st & final block). Working with Anna again was ace. The cast were also awesome. Craig does a great job as the Seeker. Link to Page at Jasonsmithonline.net
  3. Plot? *snorts* Who needs plot when you have biting and sucking in the adult forum? *drools and wants to read that badly* I'm actually planning a sequel to Slake at the moment. Jack may or may not be a werewolf in it.
  4. *laughs* The sad part is that as innocent as Power Ranger is, it's also the series that finally caused fanfiction.net to remove NC-17 fics from their site.
  5. Someone posted this old article on livejournal so I thought I'd share with all of you. I've never seen it before and I don't know if it's been posted here before or not. Edit (has the second page now!):
  6. I watched all of Jungle Fury, if not just for RJ and Casey. I have close to 300 pics (if not more) of Jason on Jungle Fury. But I'm a big PR fan so... Chris is also in that new movie A Perfect Getaway. I'm not a big fan of serial killer movies but I might just go see it. Note: Something I just realized on one of the Jason pics I posted. Where he's cleaning the window with the closed sign on it. What exactly is he cleaning it with? It kinda looks like.... milk.
  7. Yay! This thread is back! In the spirit of that, I have some misc. Jason and Chris pics! I don't think he's a bank robber in CA$H. If I read correctly his character is one who has a stroke of good luck and ends up being chased by the bad guy. I really can't wait for Thor to come out. I originally didn't know Chris Hemsworth was in Star Trek but then I saw the opening of the movie and literally squealed. I got some very weird looks.
  8. I absolutely love the coloring. It s so gorgeous and makes the avatars even more so.
  9. Me likes! So dramatic!
  10. I think 'Panic' and 'Praying' are my faves at of them. The coloring on them are just perfect.
  11. These are so pretty. I really like them. I think my favorite ones have to be 6 and 7, though.
  12. High School Musical 3
  13. One more question. Just how old is Robbie supposed to be when he first appears? I'm trying to work out their ages.
  14. Okay, so I need some help with a fic I'm working on. What is the age difference between Robbie Hunter and Matilda Hunter?
  15. *sighs* They're all so pretty but these are my favorites. So many pretty colors...
  16. KungFu Panda (My sister watches it over and over and over... Gah!)
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