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Bobby Forever Missed

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Bobby Forever Missed last won the day on February 18 2024

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  1. We didn’t the scene showed Gordon Macklin leaving the office and talking to Pippa as she came into the foyer Pippa walks into the office and finds Tom collapsed
  2. 1990: Tom’s death and/or Ben and Carly’s wedding
  3. Wow you are probably one of the only long term fans I’ve seen who liked the Braxtons in terms of bringing new life to the show I really don’t know what they could do, they were obviously trying to do that by bringing Martha back but it backfired because it now makes Alf’s marriage to Ailsa illegal. If they bring in another baddy or gang they get slammed by the majority of long term viewers if they go back to fostering (which I agree they should but that’s for another thread) they get slammed by younger viewers who tune in for what the show is now damned if they do damned if they don’t personally Lucy has put the show in a corner and i don’t know if it can get out
  4. Yeah and they don’t even do that right
  5. I don’t think so? Casey was basically a boarder and Sam was his foster grandson via Bobby EDIT: Viv was formal I just remembered there was a whole saga with Rev Newton where Bobby pushed him into the cupboard under the stairs when she and Viv got Tammy out DOCS became involved and Viv opted to stay at Don’s
  6. The last “wild” teenager they fostered was Curtis but he was fairly tame compared to Karen and Laura
  7. I’ve held back here because I have mixed feelings on returnees for H&A if they are going to have them please don’t dookie on the legacy I’m sorry but there’s no way Celia would’ve given Les’ ring to anyone Nevermind Heath, i don’t think the current producers have enough respect for the show’s history to have returnees, it’s all about appealing to Gen Z and social media
  8. ahhhhh this show aint no good *BANG*
  9. that's not exactly what i meant
  10. He did me a favour by leaving cause now we get Patricia Coleman
  11. For @nenehcherry2 Grant was the first character to have CDs in 1990 long before Bobby and Greg https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldY697mY-YVL2YK2qd0ps1rSEXOVln-3/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. Someone on here in 2009 or 10 said the 7two rerun would be the last chance to record and keep the early years looks like they were right
  13. I can I said in December it was only a gimmick for the summer
  14. Tom said he was around 5 years older than Pippa in a very early episode I’m sure of it, she was definitely over 21 when they married though because he went away to Vietnam and came back around the time of her 21st
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